Next Dungeon Bat Rep "Against the Green Skinz"

Started by Stormcrow, 19 April 2012, 03:26:15 PM

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 8)   Greetingz again good Pendraken folkz. Just a wee message. I have completed the next video for our "Pendraken Dungeon Bat Rep" and hopefully will get it uploaded later this evening. This Dungeon adventure was played June 2011, but I've been having treatment and stuff from a car accident I had, and only just found time to finish it and put together. This one is all about the "Green Skinz". Had great fun painting these Orcs, and also finished our Giant "Radagast" One of my Fav pieces from the Dungeons range are the Amazons, these chicks Rock, and our Princess "Rynn Skaarune" makes her debut in this Video. I really love this community such alot, and I am glad to be back with you all.
Catch you all soon Guyz  \m/ ;)

Morrigan ~"~
" True Freedom, Lies within the Heart


Howdy Strom,

Looking forward to seeing your Bat Rep with the Green Skinz  :D

And glad you made it back to the Forum  ;)


 ;)  Hey again Blaker, great ta be back compadre.  Posted the Bat Rep, in the Bat Reps section.

Thanx Man

" True Freedom, Lies within the Heart