Perrin and Pendracken-A heresy Question

Started by Roger1950, 16 January 2012, 05:38:17 PM

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I guess this would be a heresy question about FPW.  I just found out that Last Square in Wisconsin here in the states is casting 10mm Perrins. 

These are people who I can actually talk to on the phone and whom, since I've dealt with them for 10 years,  are sending samples (from the bins!).  The one fly in the ointment is that they have no 12#s and no Mobile.  But I can find no information about mixing them with Pendrakens.  I guess maybe Perrins are called Magister Militum in England.

Oh, there are pictures for the Zulu war showing a comparison.  That's it.  I asked on the 10mm yahoo site.  but no answers as usual.

I have ordered twice from Pendracken back in the day when I was more flush.  Some Dark Ages for Hastings and some others for Lund, the Scanian War.   Dave also sent me some FPW sample figures which I carefully put where I would remember where they were.  And after looking there and anywhere that I could guess that I might have put them,  I realized that I will find them when the gods of war so allow.

So I asked this question here, after searching the site.  Any answers?


Hi Roger,

Short answer, yes they can be mixed. As usual, not really to be advised in the same unit, and I think the infantry and artillery mix better than the cavalry. I have a Prussian Guard corps of Perrin, a Bavarian infantry division, and the Turcos and Zouaves of French 1st Corps, together with bits of artillery and some cavalry of both Prussia and France.  So - bottom line. If I were starting today I would do all Pendraken.  Why?  The range is much more comprehensive. As far as my research goes, the range is much more accurate.  The cavalry have different and accurate horse furniture, they are single mouldings. Perrin have one size fits all horses, and the figures sit, rather unsteadily, on them.  For me, absolutely no comparison.  They are, in essence, different generation figures.  On the infantry, I quite like Perrin, but I like Pendraken more. I find the Perrin rifles to be too bendy and fragile, and the single pose a bit tedious in this more active and mobile post Napoleonic age.
And Pendraken have infantry advancing at the trail!  I think Pendraken's guns are better, and they do have both a Prussian 6pdr and 4 pdr. Do Perrin. Score anywhere for me?  Well their French and Prussian mounted generals sets are both lovely, one piece castings, and provide a good leavening among my hordes of Pendraken.  Currently have about 9,000 figures for the FPW, with another 2,000 on the way.  Am also in the process of changing all my old guns for new Pendraken ones. So, after all that, I am a confirmed Pendrakenophile.  But each to their own.  One really positive point about Perrin. You can see painted versions of what is for offer on the Magister Miliyum website before you make your choice.  Hope this helps,

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
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Thank you for the detailed reply;  I reallly appreciate it.


Quote from: Roger1950 on 16 January 2012, 05:38:17 PM
I guess this would be a heresy question about FPW.  I just found out that Last Square in Wisconsin here in the states is casting 10mm Perrins. 

These are people who I can actually talk to on the phone and whom, since I've dealt with them for 10 years,  are sending samples (from the bins!).  The one fly in the ointment is that they have no 12#s and no Mobile.  But I can find no information about mixing them with Pendrakens.  I guess maybe Perrins are called Magister Militum in England.

Oh, there are pictures for the Zulu war showing a comparison.  That's it.  I asked on the 10mm yahoo site.  but no answers as usual.

I have ordered twice from Pendracken back in the day when I was more flush.  Some Dark Ages for Hastings and some others for Lund, the Scanian War.   Dave also sent me some FPW sample figures which I carefully put where I would remember where they were.  And after looking there and anywhere that I could guess that I might have put them,  I realized that I will find them when the gods of war so allow.

So I asked this question here, after searching the site.  Any answers?

I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


To chime in yes you can mix Perrin's they are actually Chariot Miniature's as Don Perrin is a close friend of mine and we game often. Perrin's are liscensed from Chariot, I personally have both but prefer Pendraken they have a little more meat and there pose's arnt't as stiff or static.Even though I'm a Yank I have a very fond love for the UK Miniature manufacture's I feel they do a better job with the casting,mold making. I'm a fan of Old Glory too and also have a large collection of Magister Militum also.Hope this help's?
                                                                                   Mike (the Yank)


My Turcos/Alegerians are from Perrin - lovely figures but they are cast in a softer metal and so "bayonet droop" is a problem.

The 2 piece cavalry are a pain as they do not fit on the one size fits all horses and so involve lots of cutting to make them look right

The artillery is very nice and larger than the original Pendraken guns which were too small - this has been sorted in say the latest FPW range of art which look far more in proportion.

So overall stick with Pendraken excpet for the odd unit that Perrin does that Pendraken are yet to issue



I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.




Is that what we are?

Surely we can come up with a better collective noun?

Ten mil Charlies?

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

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"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


"Pendrakenophile" isn't actually a collective noun, Luddite. In theory it's a word describing someone who likes, admires or collects Pendraken figures. The collective should probably be an "asylum" of Pendrakenophiles.  :d 
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