syw grenadier british officers

Started by steved37, 25 January 2012, 07:57:55 PM

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hi all
    just received my syw brits in the grenadier pack the officers have tricornes (one carrying a musket/one waving his hat) surely they wore mitre hats ?
   excellent figs by the way done 30 already . My first foray into 10 mm long may it continue ;- easy painting = faster on table !!


Looking forward to seeing your painted Grenadiers   ;)


I've checked with Dave on this one, and we're pretty sure there weren't any Officers who wore the same headgear as the grenadiers, among any of the nations?  If anyone's got better info on this, it'd be interesting to find out?

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Posting off the top of my head, as per usual, I think some examples of richly embroidered British officers mitre caps do exist from the mid-18th century. But I think it is largely accepted that they were full dress/parade dress wear, and I cannot recall any suggestion that they were actually worn on campaign. So I think (?) that your figures are correct.  With any luck,those who really know will now post  to correct these ill considered musings!

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The officers in British grenadier companies wore tricornes, not grenadier caps â€" the sergeants, as non-commissioned men, wore mitre caps like the men
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thanks gents for your help really appreciated  i was not doubting the figure research (well maybe a little !!)...only joking.