MADFest 2012

Started by nikharwood, 22 January 2012, 10:46:17 PM

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22 January 2012, 10:46:17 PM Last Edit: 22 January 2012, 10:49:12 PM by nikharwood
The evolution of Nikfest...MADFest = Minehead and Dunster Fest

MADFest will take place in Minehead, West Somerset, on Friday 9th November (my birthday) & Saturday 10th November 2012 at The Old Ship Aground pub on the harbour:

Accommodation details:

B&B prices and current room availability.

2x Single rooms @ £35 per night
4x Double rooms @ £55 per night
4x Twin rooms @ £55 per night
1x Large family room comprising 1x Double and 2x singles @ £105 per night
1x Small family room comprising 1x Double and 1x Single @ £75 per night

These prices are all discounted.

Early booking is, as ever, recommended, but if there are any accommodation problems, Mel has a reciprocal accommodation arrangement with other B & B's in the town, but obviously it would be more convenient for everyone if they stay in the pub.

All rooms have Freeview and Wi-Fi included in the price.

Bookings should be made direct with Mel at 'The Old Ship Aground' on 01643 702087 quoting MADFest Wargames Convention 9th/10th November 2012 to secure the reduced rate. The pub also has an e-mail address: info AT

Further details to follow, but initial thinking is that we'll be able to host something like 6-10 games, with room for some smaller side-table diversions as well (eg 10mm dungeoneering etc) - suggestions most welcome: we're looking for high-quality participation games so that people can have the opportunity to try something new / different.

More details to follow in due course - including event costs, which we'll keep to an absolute minimum, and I'll be scrounging up some prizes for a raffle, painting comp etc etc.

Contact email: nikharwood AT


Just to clarify: Friday is for set-up, possible gaming & definite beer from late afternoon...full day gaming on Saturday with the option of a final game on Sunday AM before scooting off  :)


I'd love to, I really would... but I have the same problem as the Pendraken 20th Bash...

I'm an ungodly distance from both you, about smack in the middle!

We'll see though, in my current condition (not the greatest) I don't think I could do the 5 hours drive but wargames are very tempting...


Right - with two months to go, further planning has occurred (in the pub last night) - watch this space for further details in the next few days as I knock up some promo material  :)

We've settled on a snappy slogan that'll bring the hordes flocking to our little gathering;

"Come to Minehead - a beautiful seaside town on the north coast of Exmoor. In November. Play with toy soldiers, dice and possibly cards. In a pub. With beer. And cake because it's Nik's birthday that weekend."

I'm expecting that one to go viral pretty bloody quickly to be honest.


How about "Come to Minehead - you can drink beer, hoist a tankard to the decline of Nik's youth and watch him destroy tanks in any scale you can think of.;D


Quote from: Kiwidave on 13 September 2012, 07:14:30 AM
How about "Come to Minehead - you can drink beer, hoist a tankard to the decline of Nik's youth and watch him destroy tanks in any scale you can think of.;D

Nice one ;) Please add my vote!

Pinged an email to the pub to see if they have a room available the first evening - cant stay all weekend as I have to be back in Ipswich for Remembrance and RBL Duties
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson

Steve J

It's Michael of Angelbarracks B'day around that time, with mine a week later, so make sure you have plenty of cake ;). I'll be attending for the Saturday BTW.


Quote from: Kiwidave on 13 September 2012, 07:14:30 AM
How about "Come to Minehead - you can drink beer, hoist a tankard to the decline of Nik's youth and watch him destroy tanks in any scale you can think of.;D

Oi Kiwi Potter  ;) :d

Quote from: Nosher on 13 September 2012, 07:23:31 AM
Pinged an email to the pub to see if they have a room available the first evening - cant stay all weekend as I have to be back in Ipswich for Remembrance and RBL Duties

Might be best to give Mel a call Nosher - not sure how good they are with'd be great to see you here though!  8)

Quote from: Steve J on 13 September 2012, 09:56:38 AM
It's Michael of Angelbarracks B'day around that time, with mine a week later, so make sure you have plenty of cake ;). I'll be attending for the Saturday BTW.

Excellent - although that might be too much cake. Tell you what, I'll have beer instead  ;) :D

Steve J

I'll have your cake as I'm driving ;).


Created a MADFest page on my for the first flyer later...


Right - Flyer #1 and Booking Form now available  8)


And an update:

Attached Newsletter #2 for MADFest - which is rapidly approaching! Updates:

- further sponsorship & prizes confirmed

- confirmed attendees increasing - around about 20 or so, so far...

- we're working on confirming games to be played: if you have previously offered to put on a game, please let me know for certain now whether you'd like to do that: we're aiming to finalise tables etc in the next few days

- we have got room to rotate games on our limited number of tables: so if you fancy running something for one session [ie a morning, afternoon, evening] and then making way for another game, that's cool too

- don't forget we'll run a Bring & Buy table too - so potentially a chance to unload some surplus...and pick up some new!

- get working on your entries for the painting competition - more details on the flier

Any questions, give me a shout  :)


Attached the November newsletter - with a week to go...

More MADFest details here:

Not too late to join us...plenty of forum members, tons of prizes & lots of cracking games. And beer.  :D

Dave Fielder

... Now he say they'll be beer. When did that happen?
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Quote from: Dave Fielder on 04 November 2012, 12:14:53 AM
... Now he say they'll be beer. When did that happen?

That was the first thing on the list, Major....wargames & stuff came laterer  ;) :d