Motivation and inspiration

Started by Nosher, 13 January 2012, 08:47:56 AM

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Quote from: Chad on 01 March 2012, 08:54:57 AM
Blimey Nik how do you manage that quantity in that time??



I blame it on rock n' roll decadence, good single malts, an appreciation of the finest totty - and complete & utter contempt and disregard for that over-rated commodity known as 'sleep'  :d

Oh - and I can paint fast that helps  ;)


Quote from: nikharwood on 01 March 2012, 07:54:51 PM
I blame it on rock n' roll decadence, good single malts, an appreciation of the finest totty - and complete & utter contempt and disregard for that over-rated commodity known as 'sleep'  :d

Oh - and I can paint fast that helps  ;)

It catches up on you eventually, Nik. And watch out for the RSI - seriously.  :(

When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Steve J

RSI is now known as Work Related Upper Limb Disorder, so watch out for that Nik as it sounds even worse. Also a report I heard on Radio 4 this week said that too much sleep, 8 hours or more and too little sleep, less than 4 hours IIRC, leads to a shortened life expectancy.
So with all of the above, things are not looking too rosy Amigo ;).


Thanks for your concern compadres - but fear not...I reckon on getting around 3-4ish hours per night & have been doing this since I was about 11 - which is 30 years by some basic calculations, that's around 49,000 extra hours I've had over an average 8-hour sleeper...

49k hours = 2053 days = 5.6 years

So if I've had five extra years now, with life expectancy of about 72-80, I'll give up those ones & shuffle off this mortal coil at 67-75. And if I live longer, I don't mind.


As for the RSI / WRULD I'm really not worried...considering the years of using laptops, playing guitar, video games, shooting things, driving, bowling, batting and other assorted activities, painting 10mm figures for short periods of time is a doddle  <)