Pendraken & Magister Militum Napoleonics compatibility

Started by old smokie, 21 January 2012, 04:30:51 PM

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old smokie

are Pendraken & Magister Militum Napoleonics compatible with each other ? infantry cavalry artillery etc



I have Early Imperial Romans and Dacians, using a mix of Pendraken, Steve Barber Miniatures and Magister.
In general Magister are slighter figures anf fractionally smaller than either Pendraken or Steve Barbers figures. They will mix within units but its generally better to use them in seperate units

I say generally because I have some Magister figures (AUX011 Auxiliary Archers 2nd Century AD I think) are literally  head and shoulders above the rest.  They are so different to the rest that I will eventually replace them. Its a real pain as I had the entire army professionally  painted, so I will have to try and match my painting to his. Even  across the table in separate units they look wrong.

I have heard on other forums  that there are other scale anomalies within the Magister ranges.  I now stick to either Pendraken or Steve Barber. Particuarly as Magister is so much more expensive than the other two.   If you intend using Magister I suggest you check out the range your interested in at a show
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


I have both Pendraken and MM Napoleonics.  MM are bigger.  I wouldn't mix them on the same stand or units.  Since Pendrakens Napy line is sort of limited at this time, I do use MM to fill the gaps.

Hope this helps.


Magister Militum Napoleonics are generally at least 1mm bigger than Pendraken in each direction, so taller wider and deeper. Also the ones I have are on a thicker base.

As an aside, the MM 10mm scale medieval crossbowmen are huge - at least 15mm tall.