1870 bases and officers

Started by Roger1950, 19 January 2012, 04:57:12 PM

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The standard base use in 1870 is 1.25 inches wide no particular depth.  How many FPW Pendrakens will go on those three BN bases Weigel uses per Rgt?  So that's 9 15s.  If I can buy firing poses those are the majority that I get.  Haven't got Pendraken's cataloge in my head like some 15s.

How do the officers packs work?  I've seen drummers on the web.  I haven't painted a drummer since 2000. I toss them or have them tossed from the pack if they will let me (but that was GFI).  They slow me down too much and I want figures on the table for playing.

And saw the WWI stuFf yesterday and thought, "theres a way to do Square Bashing!"


Hi Roger,

Numbers rather depend on how packed you want them.  I base mine on 25 mm wide by 20 mm deep bases, for the To the Last Gaiter Button rules. I get four figures on a base comfortably. The officer packs come with10 standard bearers, 10 drummers and 10 officers. That said I have often found Leon very accommodating when I want different proportions. Indeed, you'll note that they already do a pack of just 10 standard bearers, which might suit you.  The poses for the infantry are pretty varied, advancing, running at the trail, running at the port, on guard.  The only Prussian firing poses I've seen are the kneeling and loading ones in the skirmish pack. All in all though it is a great range, with masses of variety.  Hope you enjoy.

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Duke Speedy of Leighton

Mine are on 3" square bases , one officer, one standard and one musician with another 27 figures for line and 10 or so for skirmishers (minus the standard), I always go for bare poles (unless there is an Eagle on the top) rather than the cast on flags for Infantry, paint my own French flags and use Pendraken Prussian ones!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


On Yahoo they said 4.  Good.  The Regimental command stand can have two ground pounders instead of one as on 15s.  Now I just have to find out if I can paint them.  Hands are not what they were even five years ago. 

Got some Perrin samples.  Chauseur a Pied, Line, and  Naval Infantry are all in the same pose (a bit like mini-Mnifigs).  Epualettes are not strikingly evident, a situation good for most Republican liine.  But the mix is too soft.  The problem will not be just the bayonettes. Those rifles will break at the hand.  Wish those Pendrakens would show up. Hope they can afford more tin. 

Two root canals, with one crown, a major filling with another crown and three fillings to go.  I spent the month of January in a dentist chair bleeding money. :'(

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You'll certainly find eppilettes on the Pendraken stuff, they're lovely!!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner