Master lists for the Napoleonic British

Started by Leon, 18 February 2014, 01:36:11 PM

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I do believe you are right. The 28th was in stovepipes.

Presumably these will serve as Dutch-Belgians and Hanoverians too?
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Dutch Belgians had their own uniform. Militia were in stovepipes, but French cut blue jackets and long grey trousers, no gaiters. The line was a mixed bag,  including including the Nassau units which may have been in dark blue or the same dark green they wore in French service in the peninsula; some of the line was in white tropical gear as they were due to be shipped out to the West and East Indies.
Hanoverians were a mixture, their militia wore stovepipe, their line wore a mixture. This includes one line unit in  surplus white tropical 1812 shakos!

Brunswickers were black, but had a squadron of uhlans attached to the infamous hussars, who had pale blue fronts. The infantry included the leibguard and both line units, plus jagers (Austrian pattern uniform and floppy hats)!
There is some debate about The Black Hussars as they appear both in the British Cavalry line, but also in the Brunswick order of battle. It is known they hadn't returned home by 1815, and maybe the Duke had raised a second regiment at home?
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: Hussargeneral on 18 February 2014, 07:13:36 PM
I seem to recall reading that the light infantry regiments at Waterloo were still wearing the stovepipe shako.

Quote from: mad lemmey on 18 February 2014, 08:24:48 PM
The Light Infantry was still in stovepipes, as was at least one line unit (without my references to hand) I believe it was the 28th.


Quote from: mad lemmey on 18 February 2014, 08:24:48 PM
Small issue of standards too, Fighting 15s does beautiful 28/18/15mm, but not 10mm. Wonder if you could get some done Leon?

Yep, we'll be getting some more flags done for the range.  Not sure where/how yet, but we'll figure it out! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Great news :D

Just wondering, for planning/budgetary purposes, when these little shiny fellows will be available?


and where do tell is Sharpey and Harper????

cant do the Peninsula without those 2 gennelmun............................. mutter, mutter, rummage, rummage, nope nothing here, DAMN!!!!


Quote from: Malbork on 19 February 2014, 08:25:50 AM
Great news :D

Just wondering, for planning/budgetary purposes, when these little shiny fellows will be available?

We're probably looking towards the summer, as we want to try and release as much of the range as possible in one go. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Thanks Leon.

Think that should fit in nicely with my "financial planning" !


I tend to use Maverick Models for my 6mm and some 10mm (Austrian SYW especially)...superb range and service...bit like Pendraken really in that regard  ;)


Quote from: Leon on 19 February 2014, 12:55:00 PM
We're probably looking towards the summer, as we want to try and release as much of the range as possible in one go.

For it is written in the "Annals of the Dark Lord", in the third part, where the ancient sage prophesies to the young visitor to the Pendraken stand ...

"When the corn crakes fly in harmony,
when the  cowslips bloom as three,
when Techno has his hair cut,
releases there will be!"

"When the pike and perch are gathered,
when the jonquil parsley fits,
when Fenton clips his toenails,
there may be some Brits."

"When Centurions have rusted,
When Dave's back in the dress,
When Marie eats fine Welsh Rarebit,
You know we're in a mess."

"When totty find us comely,
when blood comes from the ground,
when Scotland win the World Cup,
Aztecs may be found."

There's another 106 verses ... shall I continue?
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Heedless Horseman

I think a small supplementary pack of standards would be the best option.
I just wish that the 'standing at the ready', 'firing' and 'kneeling at the ready' could have their own codes  too. From the look of the 'standing at ready' masters, a whole load of OG figures could be seeking new employment if I can get enough without being swamped with other figures.
Yes, I know I can ask for a special order, (...again!), but it always seems a bit of a cheek to slow up production just to satisfy my preferences.
Lovely figures!   :)

(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)


Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 20 February 2014, 01:51:34 PM
I think a small supplementary pack of standards would be the best option.

I chatted with Dave about this last night, and we think we'll just put extra standards in the command pack.  So it would contain 12 x standards, 6 x officers, 6 x drummers, and 6 x sergeants.

Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 20 February 2014, 01:51:34 PM
I just wish that the 'standing at the ready', 'firing' and 'kneeling at the ready' could have their own codes  too. From the look of the 'standing at ready' masters, a whole load of OG figures could be seeking new employment if I can get enough without being swamped with other figures.

There will be separate codes for those, so this lot will be split into three codes: March attack (2 poses), Firing (2 poses), and Kneeling (1 pose).  As always, we can provide more/less of each pose at people's request. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


This is in the resources section but no harm reposting it here for those curious as to which Hanovarian/Dutch/Belgian troops can be created using the British ranges. And of course the British, French and Prussians uniform.

Cheers, Rob  :)