Fall Recruits September 14-16, 2012

Started by Syr Hobbs, 02 September 2012, 10:40:53 PM

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Syr Hobbs

Sorry I've been a bit quiet on the boards but my plate has been rather full.  First of all it was time to go back to work after a wonderful summer vacation.  My classroom duties came a calling. lol

But more importantly I've been busy with getting Fall Recruits organized.  This is a regional wargaming convention designed to introduce folks into the hobby especially kids.  My wife and started Recruits ten years ago and we put Recruits on twice a year.  So this Fall will be our 10th year, 20th show.  We have a good list of games signed up so far as well as a nice list of vendors.  Sadly, Pendraken could not make it this year.   ;) 

Anyway, the convention is in Kansas City, September 14-16.  For more information take a look at our web page. www.recruits-con.com

I had really hoped to be running a 10mm ACW game but I will have to shoot for next Spring. 




Looks like a great convention, Duane. Hope it all goes well.  :-bd
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Syr Hobbs

Hey Everyone, sorry I've been off board for a while but the convention is over though we are already planning the Spring show.  Anyway have some pics if interested.  There were a couple of real nice 10mm Nap games and we were suppose to have 10mm ACW but it was cancelled until next Spring.  (Not mine though) LOL

Now to get back to some painting.



Looks like a good turn-out and a lot of fun, Duane. Did I spot Stalingrad at one of the tables?
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.
