A quick apology

Started by Leon, 02 January 2012, 07:54:24 PM

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Just a quick note to let everyone know what's going on.

Unfortunately I've been hit by some kind of virus, and I've been almost completely bedridden since last Wednesday, and computer-use has been limited to a couple of minutes a day.  I'm hoping to be back on my feet soon, but it may not be until the end of the week at the moment.  As soon as I'm better, I'll get onto all the releases and news items which should have been done this past weekend.  Apologies for the delays, I hope you've all had a good Xmas, and Happy New Year to everyone.

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Hey No Worries Leon. You need to get better first, then worry about the new releases.  ;)

We know you will be back in the saddle again, just get well first   :)


02 January 2012, 08:11:06 PM #3 Last Edit: 02 January 2012, 08:12:58 PM by Annatar
'Hope you feel better soon !

If you feel an loss of appetite, find sunlight painful and spend Xmas in Romania it could be something else...  ;)
2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


Hey Leon, just try and take that rest, you deserve it! No problem if we have to wait a bit.
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


Sounds like a classic case of too much Christmas pud Leon  :)  get well soon.

goat major

My blog: https://goatmajor.org.uk/
My twitting: http://twitter.com/goatmajor

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!


Get well soon - and take it easy.

We've had much illness in our house over Christmas, with 3 out of 4 on different varieties of penicillin.
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Get well, Leon!

That viruse don't have a chance!
The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.



Get well soon - we need you!

Steve J

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

Aart Brouwer

Get well, man.  :)

Sadly no longer with us - RIP (1958-2013)

"No, I do not have Orcs, Riders of Rohan, Dark Elves, Skaven, Kroot Mercenaries Battle Tech, HeroClix, Gangs of Mega-City One or many-horned f****** genetic-mechanoid arse-faced pigmen from the Purple Pustule of Tharg T bloody M." (Harry Pearson, Achtung Schweinehund!)


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


No need to apologise. I'm sure many of us just
assumed you were having a well deserved break.

Get well soon. We can wait until you're fully recovered.
