Falklands War - Early Wip pics.

Started by Techno, 01 January 2012, 10:18:45 AM

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I think the chap kneeling-firing has to be the best posed of any of the pendraken figures kneeling-firing what ever the range. It looks right!


Quote from: stormrider on 13 January 2012, 06:35:50 PM
If I can dive in with a slightly off topic question here... (sorry!)

I used to play (still have the rules) a skirmish moderns game in which the british rifle section had 1 guy with an MBT LAW. The rules made this weapon a single-fire only and it never made any sense to me that, even when I queried the official rules bods, he didn't have a rifle too... Would a british rifleman with an MBT LAW really not have a rifle?

Sorry for the intrusion, I return you to normal service ;)

British Army Regulations Infantry Training Vol IX, Pamphlet 45, Part 3 The Infantry Platoon (Supplement) 1977 states that the section MAW (84mm) was carried by the No1, who was also armed with an SMG or a rifle. The No2 on the MAW was armed with a rifle and carried 4 rounds of 84mm ammunition (14.52 Kg). Each section was also scaled to have 2 x 66mm LAWs (one shot disposable). These were carried by the other riflemen.

Hope this helps.


Steve J

Hi Phil,
even when used to the temperatures, you had to pace yourself. Machining 12'x12"x3" lengths of timber was tiring but you worked at a steady pace. You soon learnt to follow the Nigerian pace of life because it simply worked in those sorts of temperatures. Mind you, I never envied the porters in markets carrying one hundred weight sacks of grain etc around all day.



I think you're absolutely right about 'getting used' to temperatures !...And it's strange how little (in degrees) the temp has to change before you start to feel it !...And from what I understand there's a lot to do with the humidity.
The temp in Wales has just dropped by what is in reality just a tiny amount, and my hands are going blue when I go outside. ;D ;D ;D


Thanks !....I like to think I've 'nailed' that particular one there....It's amazing...It's probably down to literally microns at this scale, on what 'looks spot on' and "Hmmm...that's good...but there's something not quite natural about it....Even I like that one !...So I'm really pleased you do too.

Cheers - Phil


Pics too big again (SIGH). :'(...Don't have the patience to muck about with it at the mo'. ;)

Anyway....These are what went in the post to Leon today, so there'll be plenty of time to tweak whichever ones need doing.
There's definitely one I'm not too convinced about.
The two strange figures at the bottom are plain prone 'dollies', to save time for any prone figures that are required for either this, or future projects.
One day I'll take the time to take better piccies ! :)

Cheers - Phil.


The helmet on the figure second from the right on the top row looks like a modern US helmet to me?

Still dont like the blanket roll chap - looks like hes carrying an oversised chicken fajita wrap - sorry :-[

And one last comment - the figure 2nd from the laft (next to fajita wrap man) - you dont see many men wandering round with their weapons held at the high port. It would be better if he was sculpted in an advancing pose with his weapon butt into his shoulder, muzzle pointing downward 'at the ready'

Will the figures in berets also be sculpted with helmets?
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Hi Nosher....
Swine !! You haven't gone for the one I'm really not sure about ! ;)

I've got a 'proto' list from Leon....But not the final one yet.
If the 'approved' list is anywhere as long as the one I've got there'll be so many figures you probably won't even notice 'fajita wrap man' ;D
Can't answer the helmet question at the mo' as the little chap is winging his way to Leon with the others.....I'll see what the man says....

Don't know what the other designers think, but for my own part I find getting the helmets to look correct (especially at this scale) is probably the hardest part of the model to get really spot on as possible....The berets are sheer delight to do compared to the helmets....I suppose I can always add camo/scrim ?

Again, from the proto list there are to be variations on the head gear....Whether or not there'll be 'hat swaps' on the original batch I'm not sure...If there's time and Leon wants them ......?

Understand what you mean about 2nd from left ....Maybe Leon will send him back for a quick conversion.

Cheers - Phil.


Looking good Phil - although I do agree that the helmet needs attention: some camo / scrim would sort it top-notch; ditto re blanket-fajita-man...can't see a use for him at all (sorry!) - I'd be reluctant to use him even on a command stand I think  ???

I'm afraid I also agree with nosher on the high-port: the 'classic' pose is as nosher decribes...and I'd buy a boatload  :)

If you do head variations, these'd be useful potentially for Africa mercs a la The Wild Geese. Which would be nice  8)

Overall though, mate, these are stunning - and I'm delighted to see this range coming to fruition...it's been a long wait to see these in 10mm!

republic of tolworth

Can't wait for these guys to hit the streets of Caccara and many other bannana republics I have planed for them  8)

League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


Right then.
It's one blanket to go....extra camo.... and hold the SLR (downwards)....That will look much nicer.....(or more natural)....You're right you swine.  ;)

Cheers - Phil.


Just to throw a quick two-penneth in, there were three types of headwear, helmet/helmet with scrim/beret, and we'll be looking to convert all foot into those three variations as we go along.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Could be wrong - but were British Para still using somethong similar to the WWII helmet, on the basis that we might have been able to scape up 1 aircraft for them to jump out of.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021



Think you are correct Paras had the WWII helmet (or a variation of it) until the mid 80's and the introduction of all new kit (SA80, helmets etc)


Quote from: Techno on 19 January 2012, 10:45:04 PM
and hold the SLR (downwards)....

Another variation on the 'at the ready' pose with the butt in the shoulder is the exact opposite of the pose you already have, the classic yomp pose with the rifle cradled in the crook of the right arm as opposed to in the shoulder

That might be an easier pose to achieve without altering this model a lot - but I wouldnt want to lose sight of the at the ready pose either!

In the words of the Toy Story Pig Hamm..... "Picky, Picky, Picky!"
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


20 January 2012, 12:21:25 PM #74 Last Edit: 20 January 2012, 12:42:02 PM by Techno
Hi Nosher
When I get the little chap back, I'll have a bit of a play and do a 'rough' first, take a piccy....then I can be sure I'm on the right lines.
Just as a matter of interest....If he was (were ?) running, would he then be more likely to hold the barrel up ?

As far as a rough goes...Someone has recently mentioned something called 'black stuff' to me....Supposedly a more robust and stickier version of Blu-Tak...Anyone heard of this and know what its proper name is ?...I'll have a bit of a search in a moment and see if I can find it myself...But any help would be gratefully received....Might find this particularly useful.....(A few minutes later...I've found it already "Black tack (tac)....I'll let you know if it IS any use - P)

Cheers - Phil