Falklands War - Early Wip pics.

Started by Techno, 01 January 2012, 10:18:45 AM

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O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Techno on 25 September 2012, 07:24:18 AM
Ta Nik....
I think I might bin that one....Doesn't really seem to work does it ?
Still not convinced about the group of three either......Something doesn't seem quite right....But for the life of me I can't decide what I don't like about it. :-\
Maybe it would look fine, once painted up. :-\
Possibly the bright red putty is putting me off.
I'll put it on one side and wait to get hit by a bolt of inspiration.

Cheers - Phil.

They all seem a bit upright, kind of more, 'chatting with your mates whilst on your first Army Cadets exercise' rather than 'hunkered down waiting to see the whites of their eyes whilst hell rains about you' - although the chap in the middle is at least trying to take it seriously!

I think the advacing (?) guy on the left of the trio needs to go - possily only poses with rifle raised will work - and their torsos need to be more angled so they look as if they're laying rather than standing in a hole.  Hope that helps.


(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


I think you're totally right Meirion.
I was trying to do a really quick 'conversion' and personally I don't think it looks anything like 'zippy' enough as it is.
Like I say, I'll stick it on one side and leave it for a while and hopefully come back to it at some stage.
Seemed like a good and quick idea at the time, and I thought I could make it work.....Hey Ho....Not to worry. ;)
Cheers - Phil.


Yep - I think Meirion has nailed it; they look fine, just not fighting-ready. The point about rifles raised & less upright is the key I think.


I have only just noticed, but there doesn't seem to be any rifleman with 66mm LAW.

Would it be possible Phil/Leon to do a pack of these for attaching (glueing) to the figures?

The 66 was issued in the same way as other ammo being a one shot and throw away weapon. I know it was used during assaults as a long range grenade substitute to suppress defences i.e. provide a bang to keep defenders heads down while the rifleman were up and moving.
