Falklands War - Early Wip pics.

Started by Techno, 01 January 2012, 10:18:45 AM

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Duke Speedy of Leighton

Range is starting to get interesting!  ;D
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


03 January 2012, 11:33:30 AM #16 Last Edit: 03 January 2012, 11:35:03 AM by Techno

If I don't update for a few days...Explanation is that internet connection is very intermittent, due to getting the line knacked overnight in the storm.

Cheers - Phil. (I'm having to type VERY fast .)


These look awesome, I'll get the final lists sorted asap!

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Quote from: Leon on 05 January 2012, 12:18:58 AM
These look awesome, I'll get the final lists sorted asap!


Thanks Leon, look forward to them.....At least the nice man from BT came and sorted out my telephone line yesterday...Huzzah !
Should be able to pop some updated photos a little later on.

Cheers - Phil.


This is fantastic news. The proportion and pose of the figures looks great.

The only comment I would make is about firepower. The figures when you have sorted out your final lists do not want to be 90% riflemen. The period in question is modern warfare and suppresive fire is paramount, so lots of GPMG please. The infantry even in the Falklamds still had plenty of anti-tank capability with Milan, 84mm and 66mm commonly used against dig-in positions.

Besides rifle men I think you need:

  • GPMG
  • L4A2 (this is for the Royal Marines, it's a Bren with a nearly straight magazine)
  • Milan team
  • 84mm Carl Gustav MAW
  • rifleman with 66mm LAW
  • Blowpipe anti-aircraft

This site has images of all of these weapons if that is of use:

Chears Rob  :)


Pah !
I still can't get the hang of photobucket properly !

A bit further on.....I'll try and take the pics in better light tomorrow....Can't be bothered to get the tripod set up tonight (Oops..Damn...Wottagivaway.) Still bits to do on some of the figures (like arms and weapons !)...others are all but finished.

Cheers - Phil.


Look good - whats the 2nd guy in the top row doing? Looks like he's got a giant danish pastry???
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts

Steve J

The Royal Marines are coming along nicely :).


Quote from: fred12df on 05 January 2012, 07:59:36 PM
Look good - whats the 2nd guy in the top row doing? Looks like he's got a giant danish pastry???

C'mon Fred
It's Swiss roll for goodness sake.....Isn't it obvious ? ;)
Oh ....all right then..It's his sleeping mat rolled up.

You can't see it from the front, but the chap on the right of the British forces is loaded up to the nines with kit.....So I thought I'd do one of the Argentinians in a similar fashion.
How those guys carried all that stuff is totally beyond me....I don't think I could even lift the British kit onto my back.....Let alone march mile after mile with it....Stroll on !...Full of admiration for them.

Cheers - Phil


Good to see progress Phil - looking great  8)



These are looking absolutely awesome and will be very high on the purchase list once released.

I'd echo Rob's comments on LAW/MAW - Jimpy etc. If I can make one observation I think the argy carrying the blanket should be dropped from the range :o With the way PD packs are arranged I would not like to have twenty or so argies carrying blanket rolls :-[ There must be a better use for the figure?

There is also something about the weapons the brits are carrying which I cant put my finger on?? It is difficult to tell from the photios but it looks like they are carrying armalites rather than SLR's? The barrels look quite short and there seems to be some sort of carrying handle over the top of the breech ejection area. The SLR carrying handle was never left up when firing.
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Quote from: Nosher on 06 January 2012, 08:33:04 AM
These are looking absolutely awesome and will be very high on the purchase list once released.

I'd echo Rob's comments on LAW/MAW - Jimpy etc. If I can make one observation I think the argy carrying the blanket should be dropped from the range :o With the way PD packs are arranged I would not like to have twenty or so argies carrying blanket rolls :-[ There must be a better use for the figure?

There is also something about the weapons the brits are carrying which I cant put my finger on?? It is difficult to tell from the photios but it looks like they are carrying armalites rather than SLR's? The barrels look quite short and there seems to be some sort of carrying handle over the top of the breech ejection area. The SLR carrying handle was never left up when firing.

Hi Nosher.

Quite possibly the blanket carrying chap will get modified....When Leon's feeling up to scratch again we can sort things out. (Hint hint Leon ;) )

I know exactly what you mean about the SLRs.
Believe it or not they're (scale wise) a bit too long already !....It's because the barrel is (has to be) too fat they 'look wrong'.....and 'stumpy'
Ideally I'd use thinner rod, but that would make them such swine to cast...and they'd be too fragile. (I think we've all discussed this before.)
I may lengthen them a mm or two....Although that would make them even more out of scale, it might make them 'look right' ?

The 'carrying handle' that's on a couple is supposed to be a sight/night sight.....I can pick those off in no time If people would prefer ?

Still lots to sort out with these guys....Like I said earlier, I'm sort of doing my own thing at the mo'....But really pleased you like them.

Cheers - Phil.

Steve J

Diecast vehicles have to be made out of scale in places simply to let the metal flow through the mould as it were, yet they look fine as a whole. The same is true of figures, weapons, spears etc. I'd make the whole figure look right IMHO.


Not having any experience of casting/modelling thanks for the explanation Techno - most helpful ;)

In terms of the Night Sight have you seen this


The 1st generation Night Sight is the monstrosity pictured attached to the L1A1 and it was a heavy old bit of kit. It was in service and was in use during the falklands but in limited quantities and was still in use in Ireland when I was stationed there in the late 80's early 90's. The Hilux SUSAT followed later so wouldn't be appropriate.

Can I suggest that night sight is modelled to match the photo if possible?
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson