Plans for 2012?

Started by Leon, 28 December 2011, 07:10:20 PM

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Mexicans, Tlaxcalans, Koreans, and Chinese, of course. A bigger selection of Cossacks and more Japanese monks would be welcome too, but it doesn't look as if we'll ever get those, alas.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: maciek on 29 December 2011, 06:02:20 PM
...with american cavalry still unavailable, and high chance, that it will never materialize...


It's guaranteed to materialise, just not sure when at the moment. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Le Manchou

- Finish 1870 project (tents, engineers, caissons, artillery train...)
- Do half of Wagram project ( for the moment I painted part of Nordmann advance-guard, part of Oudinot's and Bessieres corps)
Si vis pacem, para bellum



Generally to play more games.  In particular:

1.  Play with and add to initial SYW 10mm forces (having completed by 31 December - a few mounted officers to go before they are in playable condition).  The rules testing should start over the New Year.

2.  Paint and use 10mm 1940 Desert.  BKC2 and IABSM3.

3.  Progress, and hopefully finish, painting 15mm NW Europe British and Gurkhas.  Maybe some Germans too.  Play IABSM and BFWW2 with them.

4.  Paint some 28mm Romano-British and Saxons for Saga or TFL's potential rules.

5.  Maybe do some 10mm Napoleonic?

6.  Consider 10mm LoA for BLB2

7.  Paint some more 1/600 Battle of Britain planes and play.

8.  Paint some 1/1250 coastal forces and play a game.

9.  Other things I haven't thought of yet ...




.  Paint and use 10mm 1940 Desert.  BKC2 and IABSM3.
Quote from: kustenjaeger on 30 December 2011, 09:18:23 AM

Generally to play more games.  In particular:

1.  Play with and add to initial SYW 10mm forces (having completed by 31 December - a few mounted officers to go before they are in playable condition).  The rules testing should start over the New Year.

2.  Paint and use 10mm 1940 Desert.  BKC2 and IABSM3.



Hi Edward

I'd be interested in your views of IABSM3 and 10mm .....I'm no longer on the TFL list - too much traffic too little time.
I have a lot of 15mm WW2 Desert - but I shall probably flog it off and move to 10mm
I see a limited amount of 28mm - mainly skirmish - no 15mm and loads of 10mm which is a scale I really like.

Best regards

Kelvin White - aka Whiteoak


Not many concrete plans so far

Finish Prussian 7YW army - only 2 regiments of cavalry to go but I might "need" some more infantry  :D

Buy and paint another regiment of French WW1 infantry.

Finally play 7YW games.

Sell 15mm Romans and Gauls and replace (maybe) with 10mm.


30 December 2011, 01:02:32 PM #21 Last Edit: 30 December 2011, 02:31:01 PM by lentulus
Get a not-Seven-Years-War campaign going.
Get the FPW project moving again.
Play more WWII.
get the 15mm SF playable
Rebase 15mm renaissance for Impetus

And just plain game more; I now have three quite playable armies and should be using them.


I need to finish early war French and Germans for IABSM.
Kick starting my FPW project using "to the last gaiter button", but based so I can also use them for 1870.

I will probably supplement my existing WWII figures as needed.

Whiteoak, as you can see I also use 10mm for IABSM. I really enjoy the rules - in fact, I just ran a game of US paras vs. Germans a few days ago. To me they provide a fun, challenging game.  They do require some planning to play as they don't have a point system. But since I only get to play about four times a year I have plenty of time to design scenarios. 

I mostly run games at conventions with people who haven't played IABSM before. They pick the mechanics quickly but there's usually a tactics learning curve as they realize real world tactics work better than how they've played with other rules.




Seen your post on the Realistic Modelling site.  I think the answer is really up to you. The rules as written allow you to produce a Prussian Jager battalion with just 12 figures on 6 round bases, and a French one with 5 round bases.  As long as you keep the number of bases the same there shouldn't be a problem, but the different bases do allow you to see easily those units allowed to fire out of any face of a square, regardless of which side they are facing.  You could either discount this rule (no big problem) or find another marker. IN terms  of how many troops to use for a scenario, I'd start with a Corps a side, so about 20-36 battalions, 10-16 batteries, and a brigade of cavalry a side. If you like the rules as much as I do, you won' t be able to stop there!  Enjoy.

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Thanks Mollinary. When I first heard about the rules a few years ago I dismissed them as I wasn't too keen on the idea of grid movement. However, I think I've come around on it. I've been looking for ways to game large battles that don't require a lot of time, bookkeeping or which are mentally taxing. Some rules are good at the divisional level but break down when scaled up. Other corp/army sized rules don't suit my tastes. I think TTLGB might be the right rules for me.





FPW French.  Really need to get round to finishing these off (i always struggle to paint French forces - never seems much point).


AVBCW.  Finish off the bits and bobs i got over Xmas (T26b squadron, and suppot like supply and medical units.  then i should be done with the Chopwell Communists (fateful words!)

VSF.  Finish off my Martian forces to oppose the valiant British Empire builders!

'In the planning'

Well now that's an interesting one as i have a couple of 'half formed' plans boiling about in my noggin at the moment.

1.  Wierd World War II
Scale?  Not sure, but it'll be either 10mm or 28mm.  I have a start in both but haven't settled yet.  Nor on a set of rules.

2.  Star Wars
What i really want is a set of 10mm or 28mm Star Wars figures (or 'not-Star Wars' proxies).  In 10mm i'm looking at FwC for rules.  In 28mm i'm looking at a conversion of Legends of the Old West perhaps.  Problem there is figures again - especially the vast amount of different aliens i'd have to sort out.  But i like the idea of posses of Sith hunting down posses of Jedi in hiding after the clone wars...

3.  Malifaux
Hate the rules but the setting's a pretty good idea.  If it flies, this'll probably be in 28mm and will use the GW WFB terrain.

Other than that, i'm not sure what will take my fancy over the next few months...

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN



I've umpired/played a couple of games of IABSM3 in the last few weeks - one in 15mm and one in 20mm, so Ihaven't yet had live experience in 10mm.  The use of armour is smoother than before and so is likely to be better than previous iterations for more armour heavy engagements, albeit the table area will still be pretty small with the ground scale being 1 foot/30cm = about 80 yards = 1/240. 

I'm aiming to experiment with Operation Compass in the coming year.




To get out and attend a few conventions in the coming year after an absence of two years. Looking forward to meeting a few of you around the circuit.  :)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Complete my 10mm AWI armies - still a long way to go there, but I do finally know where I'm going, which helps.
Finish off some 15mm ECW which are loitering half nude on a shelf!
Finish off all incomplete 6mm projects, too many to count mainly Napoleonic bits and bobs
Try to fight a couple of campaigns:
   ECW - Tinker Fox in 6mm or 15mm. Actually I'd like to use this mini campaign series as a means of pre-contact manoeuvre in a grander campaign system but I'll have to set some time aside to work out something suitable.
   Medieval - King and Pretender 6mm
   AWI Home and Colonial in 10mm...yea...
Do new 10mm project probably Colonial/WW1 East Africa  - it would be nice to see some pics of the ranges in the catalogue Leon, just in case you were looking for some additional new years resolutions  ;)
Make a lot of 6mm and 10mm scenery
Look for an opponent. Solo gaming is OK but solo campaigning doesn't work so well.   


Puhh, quite a lot actually  :-X

-War of the Austrian Succession Anglo-Austrian Army (also known as the"Pragmatic Army")
-completing my very modest sized Anglo-German AWI force (1 Hessian & 1 British brigade on 2x2 bases..should work for small games on the kitchen table; friend of mine 'll do the rebs)
-League of Augsburg  :-/ :-/ :-/
but I wont start painting up/buying any units untill it's at least clear that there's a realistic chance of seeing the range continiued in 2012.
-expanding my 1809 Austrians with the hopefully soon to be released cavalry  8)
-War of the Spanish Succession Bavarian army.. friend of mine just wrote his graduate thesis on this topic (after a recommendation by me) and now I'm quite tempted to give it a try one the tabletop.
-small French Revolutionary Wars Skirmish using the old Battle Honors miniatures

plus all the spontaneous stuff.. i think i don't have to go into details on this one   ;D
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2013 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!