NPF1 French fusiliers

Started by kustenjaeger, 02 December 2011, 03:07:48 PM

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A question on NPF1 and indeed the rest of the Ligne and Leger infantry - they don't look as if they have shako cords? 

I'd only just realised as I started working out some sample packs to order.  I'm not sure the extent to which cords were worn in action.




Ermm, dont know, but I just finished Sharpe's Waterloo (I know Cornwell aint much of a reference source) but in there when describing the Old Guards approach he specifically mentioned that the bearskins cords and plumes were stored in a leather bag for use later in the victory parade. So probably not worn much in battle. 


I suppose its matter of judgement what to put on 10mm, I have figures in 6mm that have them and in theory th e Frfench Shako should have cords up to the 1812 reg, but then of course if your troops are on campaign then they might be in forage caps, have oilskin covers, somehting they have scavenged or otherwise.  In full dres syes they should.