Warfare Show Report!

Started by Leon, 23 November 2011, 09:26:24 AM

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24 November 2011, 08:43:28 PM #15 Last Edit: 24 November 2011, 08:45:05 PM by nikharwood

Bishop Lord

Top report Leon :)
I like the look of the large 10mm Medieval game.Any ideas what rules they where using,thought it may have been Warmaster but looking at the photos not sure some of the unit sizes not right.


" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

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Quote from: Bishop Lord on 27 November 2011, 11:28:28 AM
I like the look of the large 10mm Medieval game.Any ideas what rules they where using,thought it may have been Warmaster but looking at the photos not sure some of the unit sizes not right.

I've no idea unfortunately, I didn't get any notes on these.  There may be more info on the Warfare club site somewhere: http://www.wargamesassociationreading.co.uk/antiquestevefsmailnet-0.html#
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Bishop Lord on 27 November 2011, 11:28:28 AM
Top report Leon :)
I like the look of the large 10mm Medieval game.Any ideas what rules they where using,thought it may have been Warmaster but looking at the photos not sure some of the unit sizes not right.


From the program I think the most likely candidate may be "Evesham Wargames Club, Medieval Hun Invasion of Poland Demo".

However, there's no more details than that and no details on the club website/blog: http://eveshamwargames.blogspot.com/search?q=warfare
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Leon on 23 November 2011, 09:26:24 AM

That one's Huntingdon & District's Catch the Pigeon Participation game which was a great hit with my daughter.  I think she was channeling her inner Muttley, forcing Dick Dastardly to crash on the final turn in her quest for Medals (and sweets!)  :D

(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )