1st Schleswig Holstein War Adaptations

Started by swampking, 11 April 2010, 09:14:50 PM

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Greetings Gents!

While anxiously awaiting the release of Pendraken's 1st SH War, I thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas for adaptations from existing figures.

I believe that FPW Prussian Dragoons will work for S-H Dragoons and I'm fairly sure that the Danish infantry in cap and tunic can work from the 2nd S-H War line, as well as the artilery.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?


Dave Fielder

This bloke might have some ideas:


Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Thanks Dave,

I've got the Weaver book and it's awesome.

My main question is, are there any specific Pendraken figs [from other ranges] that can be adapted for the various combatants.

For instance, can 1860 Prussians be used for 1848 Prussians or do the 1860 Prussians look like FPW Prussians [trousers tucked into boots], that kind of thing.

Dave Fielder

My knowledge of the pre 1860 uniforms is a bit scant, but I would have thought that 1848-1870 uniforms in 10mm would be easy to do with one figure type. The variations would have been minor and only really detectable in 25/28mm figures/

Welcome from the TMP side of life. You shouldn't see any Gregg Pitts type behaviour here!

Dave (aka Royal Marine)
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis



I figured as much but wanted to see if anyone else had delved into the period yet.

Yeah, thank goodness that the Pendraken forum has such gentlemen who realize this is just a hobby! Some of the posts here are a hoot [see the various 'painting' threads for a laugh].

I'll go on TMP maybe once a week but some of those threads get downright nasty, so I'm thinking of giving it a miss for a while.

Anyway, off to finish some figs before my very first 10mm figs arrive!


Eric [aka swampking]


Sorry to 'bump' the thread but I've been looking at the Pendraken catalog and realized that the following figs woud probably work:

Crimean War Russian infantry  in helmet and tunic [for Schleswig-Holsteiners, Swedes/Norwegians, various other helmeted armies], Crimean War British infantry in shako and tunic [Saxons], ? Crimean War British artillery [if these are in shako, then they should work for Saxons].

I'm thinking that some of the ACW Confederates could be used for the various freikorps and I'm sure there are others, I'll just have to buy a few samples.


Dave Fielder

Keep us posted with pictures. I find the 1859-1871 period very fascinating and am tempted with 10mm, but am already heavily committed to 15mm. Must resist .... force fields low ....
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis




I know what you mean! When it comes to new figures, my will is weak!

Frankly, the more obscure the period, the better I like it. My main areas of interest range from 1700-1871, though I really love rebellions. Actually, it would be great if Pendraken would think about doing the 1848 Hungarian War [now that's obscure] or the 1789 Brabant Rebellion [another obscurce conflict].

The period from, let's say 1830-1848 are where my current interest lies - hence this thread.

I'll definitely keep the forum posted with pics as soon as the figs arrive and I get 'em painted. I'm really excited because I've never painted 10mm before and am interested to see how I do!


Dave Fielder

I always apply the 3 foot rule (or is that 90cm?). If a figure looks good on the table 3' (90cm) away then it is good. For 10mm I rarely bother with eye lashes and buttons - just the coats, facings and muskets tipped with gunmetal. There are some beautiful figures out there, but remember that 10mm scale may loose all that effort when being used on the table.

There is a certain Nik Harwood out there who has been know to do 2mm scale figures and I believe that he doesn't do too many details. We would use the 3" rule for these figures.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Quote from: swampking on 28 April 2010, 08:19:58 AM
Actually, it would be great if Pendraken would think about doing the 1848 Hungarian War [now that's obscure]

Would any of the Schleswig-Holstein figures be compatible for this?
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



Yes. In fact, on second thought, maybe there doesn't need to be a special line of figures. I'll sort it out for the forum [I posted something similar to the Yahoo! Blood and Iron group for 15mm manufacturers that had figures that could be used for the conflict].

In brief,

Hungarians [the rebels] - Infantry:
       Napoleonic Hungarian infantry in shako, ACW infantry in kepi and ACW U.S. marines in frock and shako. That covers most of the Honved. I think Dave was right, in 10mm, it would be hard to tell what figures are in tight pants and what figures aren't. The problem is that most of the Hungarian Honved work coats that look like frock coats, though a few units wore shell jackets. The militia units could be ACW Confederates or various other figures. Also, I don't know what could be used for the various legions [Polish, German, Vienna, Tyrolean, Rumanian and Italian]. The legions paid a vital part most of the campaigns.

Hungarian Cavalry - for the first 12 units, most Napoleonic hussars will work [not Russians]. For the 13th and 17th Hussars - I don't know but  they wore a hat similar to the ACW Confederate Black Horse Cavalry. For hussar regiments 14-18, any hussars in small shako will work [with pelisse or without].

Hungarian Artillery - I guess ACW artillery in kepi would work [again, in a frock coat] or the 1864 Danish artillery. I've seen Old Glory 15s FPW Wurttemberg artillery and they are spot on perfect. I'm relatively sure that if anyone does 1859 Austrian artillery, they could be pressed into service.

   Infantry:  Napoleonic Austrians. The problem is that the Austrians used a lot of the Grenzer depot battalions against the Hungarians and these guys were dressed in every combination imaginable but I'm sure other periods could be raided [especially if you plan to do a Balkan War range].

Cavalry: all Napoleonic

Artillery: major problem. In the 1848 war, the Austrian artillery were dressed in a corsehut [kinda sorta] and I dont' know what figures could be used.

Serbs: [fought against the Hungarians]
  Infantry: for the Serbian National Guard, you need ACW zouaves in fez. These guys are perfect. For the militia units, who knows? I believe that someone suggested Mexican militia in sombrero on another thread and in 10mm, these figures could be pressed into service. Also, Mexican-American War Mississippi Rifles would work as well, as would Am. Rev. militia in round hat.

Cavalry: there are some indications that the Serbs used cavalry and they were dressed like the infantry, so any cavalry that has a fez would work [I suppose]

Artillery: same as infantry [though I've seen pics of Serbs in kepi or field caps as well]

Russians: Basically, any Crimean War Russian army would work. However, the Russians mostly fought in summer dress [no greatcoats].

This is a very general guideline to the armies and I hope it helps someone.  I've thought about doing the '48 Hungarian War in 10mm but I'm not sure about figs because the Hungarians had a very specific look and I'd hate to 'shotgun' buy a lot of figs and not be able to use them.

If anyone is really interested in this war, drop me a PM and I'll give you all the info I have.


Thanks for that Swamp, I'll keep all this info for when we get the rest of the S-H range done.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



If you need specific info, pm me. I live in Poland [I'm an expat American], so I can photocopy illustrations, orbats, etc. and send them to Pendraken HQ right quick [that is unless the Polish post decides to lose it].

Can't wait to get my hands on my first order! Getting really excited about my first project in 10mm. I have a feeling it won't be my last.

Oh, forgot. Saw that Pendraken does 1859 Austrian artillery, so that'll help. Also, I think some of the new South American Pacific War [1870s] could be used as well. As soon as ya'll get pics up of figures, I can give everyone a better idea of what can be used.

Eric [aka, Swamp or Swampking]


Cheers Eric, I'll keep it in mind.  We're going to be doing some more photo's over the weekend, trying to get a couple of whole ranges done hopefully.

Your order went on Thursday, so should be with you by Tues maybe, possibly Wed with it being Bank Holiday weekend.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



Wow!!! I think I've been converted to 10mm!

Just received my first order of Pendraken figures today + a little 'sneak preview' of the upcoming 1st S/H War line and I'm really impressed with the figures. Ya'll have really outdone yourselves and can't wait to see the entire line released!

Now, if only I could find some time to paint the little devils!

Will post pics when I have some painted up.

For anyone considering this war - the Crimean War Russian artillery doesn't work but I highly recommend the FPW Prussian dragoons - what wonderful sculpts they are! I may have to add a few ficticious dragoon regiments as an excuse to buy more of these top notch figures! The 2nd S/H War [1864] Danish infantry and artillery work but appear to be a bit smaller than the newer S/H figs but that shouldn't be much of a deterent.