Bashi Bazook

Started by Bertie, 06 November 2011, 09:31:29 PM

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I have been messing around with the Sudan campaign for a while and have been trying to get together an Egyptian Army for the disasters of Hicks and Bakers columns. Tonight whilst cooking dinner with several beer aperitifs, I pulled out a 2009 Pendarken catalogue and started thinking about what to order for Warfare. To my surprize I noticed in the Russo-Turkish 1877 list code RT7 Bashi Bazook. My questions are :

A- Could this figure be used for the Sudan, same period and part of the greater Ottoman empire?

B- Is this figure mounted?

c- Anybody got any pictures?

Sometimes you just can't beat looking through a catalogue, rather than just clicking on the period that interest you.
Thanks Bertie.



Many thanks Grumpyoldman, any ideas what I could use?


Mix with ECW firing musketeer in the same pose, and they'd be pretty good Landsknechts, wouldn't they?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.



Yep would look fine - I also used Zouves, but remember only 1 pose in the pack so they look a bit disciplined for proper bashibazouks!


Thanks for the information folks. But waht about a mounted figure, in the Sudan they seem to be a mounted body of troops?




If you want something mounted then try a mix of the FPW French Spahi and the unarmored Arab/Turkish Cavalry from the Dark age range. Both are very nice figures and should do the trick to provide a rag tag effect
