Battle of Bull Run Game Gallery

Started by General Bt Sherman, 18 November 2011, 11:49:11 AM

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General Bt Sherman

I have finally gotten around to uploading my photos from the Battle of Bull Run game that I ran last September. This game featured the hundreds of Pendraken miniatures that I painted over the last year. You can see the gallery here:

Next up Shiloh!
Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


Awesome !
What did you use as battle mat ?
wargaming in 10mm

2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

General Bt Sherman

Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


That's lovely - and very impressive Bryan  8)


Very nice mate.  Can you tell me where you got your road's from and how you stop your Woodland Scenic trees from shedding their foliage mine never seem to work properly.

Thanks cheers Rex


Quote from: rexhurley on 18 November 2011, 08:34:54 PM
how you stop your Woodland Scenic trees from shedding their foliage mine never seem to work properly.

Have you tried giving them a glue-wash [thinned PVA]? Or spray matt varnish - or hairspray?

Aart Brouwer

Quote from: nikharwood on 18 November 2011, 09:47:45 PM
Have you tried giving them a glue-wash [thinned PVA]? Or spray matt varnish - or hairspray?

Listen to the man. Spraying a dose of cheapo "extra strong" hairspray on your foliage will both stiffen and preserve your trees for all eternity. Don't overdo it though, because in large doses it tends to have a glossy effect. Unless of course you like happy shiny woods on your table... ;P


Sadly no longer with us - RIP (1958-2013)

"No, I do not have Orcs, Riders of Rohan, Dark Elves, Skaven, Kroot Mercenaries Battle Tech, HeroClix, Gangs of Mega-City One or many-horned f****** genetic-mechanoid arse-faced pigmen from the Purple Pustule of Tharg T bloody M." (Harry Pearson, Achtung Schweinehund!)


Spent a friggin fortune buying artists fixative which was a waste of time hairspray after the finished result doh who would have thought eh...must be all the girl products mr metrosexual harwood uses  :d :d


Quote from: rexhurley on 19 November 2011, 12:09:13 PM
Spent a friggin fortune buying artists fixative which was a waste of time hairspray after the finished result doh who would have thought eh...must be all the girl products mr metrosexual harwood uses  :d :d

Metrosexual? Moi? More like Neanderthal mate  ;)

Dave Fielder

Nothing wrong with getting in touch with your feminine side!
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Quote from: Dave Fielder on 07 December 2011, 12:30:28 PM
Nothing wrong with getting in touch with your feminine side!

I keep trying, but she says 'No'...  :'( - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!