Favourite sci fi and fantasy books

Started by goat major, 02 October 2011, 04:05:24 PM

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The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

goat major

I've also found Black Library books very hit and miss. There's quite a few where the combat starts on page 1 and doesn't end until page 400 when the book ends.  Maybe that would have been  good when I was 10 but I'm a touch more sophisticated in my tastes now (I'm willing to wait until page 10 before the fighting starts)

However the Horus Heresy series is excellent - they've pulled out all the stops here for. Really epic story arc. I'm 5 novels in - only another 20 odd to go !
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yep, true, the quality varies a lot. Brian Craig is the best imo, followed by Dan Abnett, but some of the other writers are really quite poor.

The Horus Heresy series is much, much subtler and better than i'd expected. It does annoy me when they keep making some books that go through the entire history of a space marine legion/chapter rather than advancing the main plot.

I liked the last one they put out because it at least showed things from a different perspective and filled in some gaps in the plot.