Gravelotte St Privat

Started by Le Manchou, 06 September 2010, 10:53:03 AM

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Le Manchou

Well, the game should be ready in two and a half years, my artist is doing 22,5 Square meters a month and I still need to paint a lot of limbers, caissons, engineers, tents, pontoon bridges and field fortifications. I renounced to the field hospitals as it will be treated abstratively in my game. I am reading military manuals from the 19th century to be as accurate as possible in the management of the operational level of the game. The operational part of the game will be played on french 1/80 000 general staff maps increased to 1/20 000  scale on which players will move brigade level ceramic round markers.
Si vis pacem, para bellum


Don't know whether to applaud or cry - it looks absolutely fantastic but also illustrates how much further I have to go. At least I've now started my second battalion of Turcos.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Foly Huck  :o :D ;D