Washington Wargames Club

Started by Bertalucci, 09 September 2011, 11:52:27 AM

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Well what can I say.

After 30+ years we are still at the Victoria Community Centre, Washington, Tyne & Wear

What do we play - just about everything from 3,000BC to 40,000AD.

What rules - quite a mish mash but all the popular sets (FoG, FoW, F&F) are used.

When do we meet - Every third Sunday (All day from 10:00 to 4:30 ish)

We are on, on Sunday 11 Sept - contact me for other dates.

Mainly old codgers but a few fresh faces - minimum age 16

Membership £10 for the year - no other costs


We're still here.

Membership fees have inevitably increased to cover the cost of the hall but more members means lower fees as we are totally non-profit making.

We're on today and every three weeks until the end of the year.

There's always a multiplayer game on if you'd like to join in and see what were like.


Quote from: Bertalucci on 23 August 2015, 05:41:53 AM
We're still here.

The sort of news that's always good to hear !  :)

Cheers - Phil


On Sunday 4th October in addition to other games we will be playing/starting a Spanish Civil War Campaign using Chain of Command rules.

Start @1:00 and you are welcome to join in.



Advance notice, so you have plenty of time to get your dice sharpened.

The first game of 2016 will be held on Sunday 10th January.

Were running an "in club" trial tournament using Art de la Guerre rules.

Semi random 15mm armies supplied by club members (with historical match-ups) to all players in each round

Starting at 10:00 and aiming to get 3 rounds in.

If you want to take part contact me here.



Bit far away, but all the best with your tournament and for the future of the club.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Entry to the mini-tournament now closed.

But you will receive a warm welcome if you come along.

Games for the rest of the year are pretty much every three weeks through to Easter.


Well we are all a year older and no wiser!

But we are still here.

Our next game day is Sunday 17 July starting around 10:00.


My old club, glad to hear it is still going strong 😃
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Sounds good, with a week to get everything sorted and ready. All the best with that.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Next Games Sunday 25th September.

Two perhaps three games available for people to try out.
Potentially all set in the American War of Independence, using three different sets of rules.

Gaming to start at 10:00



One year on from the last post  and we are still going strong with a couple of returning members and a new one.

Next games are to be held Sunday 17th September and Sunday 8th October (I know it clashes with Derby but we don't all travel)
Check out our facebook page to see what's been going on recently.

We've also been playing Saga, Ronin, Muskets & Tomahawks, Fire & Fury ACW and variations, 6th Edition Ancients!, FoW, FoG, Command & Colours, Chain of Command Spanish Civil War, WWII naval (Bismark was sunk with one shell from the Texas)  etc etc. There have also been a couple of fantastic looking fantasy games of one sort or another, although I fear Martin and John were too ambitious fielding all of their splendid Steampunk aerial battleships etc (one turn taking 5 hours to resolve). Smaller forces next time guys.

Personally I have been furiously painting up loads of Pendraken's fine 1860/70's Prussians for upcoming games using a variant of Polemos.
Covering the Risorgimento/Austro-Prussian War and Franco Prussian War.

There's always a multi-player game on that you can join in with.



Quote from: Bertalucci on 06 September 2017, 12:34:16 PM

WWII naval (Bismark was sunk with one shell from the Texas) 

Fairly authentic set of rules then  :d
My Ego forbids a signature.


Quote from: jimduncanuk on 06 September 2017, 02:40:50 PM
Fairly authentic set of rules then  :d

I remember watching a game of Victory at Sea, where a battleship was sunk by one hit (a la Hood). The victim stomped off in a huff muttering something about these rules being stupid & unrealistic . . .

I think we worked it out to be about a 1200:1 chance of it happening.

Cheers, Martyn


Just been to the little Jutland exhibition in the Maritime Museum in Greenwich. there appear to have been several cases of that. Rules are never bad when something interesting or unusual happens. Only when you have to constantly refer to the rulebook because there are so many sub rules covering every conceivable situation, or they are just plain dull and it takes 5 hours to play 5 minutes of real time.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!