Early 16C English and Scots- any info and pics?

Started by Agent Brown, 09 September 2011, 08:17:31 AM

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Agent Brown

Any information on this range? I assume it covers Flodden but does anyone know if there is much variety in poses in the various packs? I'm most interested in the pike packs but any information would be good. Pics would be great, particularly of ER6, charge pike with pavisse.


"The time has come, the walrus said..."

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I like those!! Very nice.

Lots of flags, might have to add some more to my figures.
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Agent Brown

Thanks SV52, just what I was after. I'll be picking some up. I would still appreciate anything on the English or highlanders if anyone has them.


The Lord Admiral's men, archers in front, men at arms on foot with billmen behind.


Highland bowmen in front, rear right element has Highlanders with two-handed swords.  The piper is from one of the medieval command packs.

If you care to have a look at my blog, both Flodden armies are under the 10mm label.
"The time has come, the walrus said..."

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!

Agent Brown