Smoggycon 2011

Started by Gandalf, 06 September 2011, 04:19:00 PM

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Smoggycon 2011

Despite heavy snow last year, there is still enough left in the kitty for Smoggycon to go ahead!
Middlesbrough Gamers Club's third annual show will be held between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm at Southlands Leisure Centre, Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough, England TS3 0HG on Saturday 26th November.

Entry is a recession busting £2!

Free parking is available in the Leisure Centre car.

Bring & Buy
Trade stalls
Participation & demonstration games
Competitions & tournaments
Refreshments including a licensed bar

Pictures of Smoggycon 2010 and more information about this year's show is available though the Middlesbrough Gamers Club website at http:// and on the Smoggycon web page

Competitions, Participation and Demonstration Games

Beasts of Bolsover
Content is yet to be confirmed but the lads from Bolsover will be running participation games throughout the day.

Russ and Tim from Brain Candy will be running demonstrations of their recently released “Zombie Close” game.

Brompton Bankers
Bob and Russell will be running a skirmish demonstration of a Very British Civil War, what might have happened during the Abdication Crisis in 1938 with Britain and its Empire breaking up into factions such as the Anglican League, Liverpool Free State and the Army of the Scottish Republic.

Derwentside Wargames Group
Hammer Slammers demonstration game: Oil refinery assault

Generals and Kings
World War II Normandy 20mm demonstration game using Rapid Fire!

Hartlepool Wargames Club Impetus Competition
Hartlepool Wargames Club will be running the third leg of their Impetus competition at Smoggycon this year.

Independent Wargames Group
France 1944 15mm demonstration game using Flames of War and a Seven Years War 30mm game showcasing IWG’s recently released "A Nostalgic Whim" rules set

Middlesbrough Gamers Club HeroClix Competition
Paul Spencelayh, Steve Date and Simon Swinbank from Middlesbrough Gamers Club will be running a HeroClix participation game throughout the day in the Sports Hall where anyone without prior experience can come along and try out HeroClix and battle with a team of comic book Superheroes.

Newcastle Gamers
Newcastle Gamers will be showcasing some popular and innovative board games. All are welcome to participate.

Redcar Ironbeards
Allegedly inspired by Orky Races, a Middlesbrough Gamers Club participation game at Paradeground many years ago, Redcar Iron Beards will be encouraging people to take part in the thrills and spills of Bike GP, an exciting Warhammer 40,000 race participation game.

Redcar Rebels
Graham Cummings will be demonstrating Gripping Beast’s new SAGA rules for skirmish combat in the Dark Ages.

Yorkshire Coast Wargames
Yorkshire Coast will be running De Bellis Napoleonicis and Colonial era participation games

More details will be published as they become available.  At present, the following organisations have also expressed an interest in putting on a demonstration or participation game:

Northern ASL Group

Durham Wargames Group

Border Reivers

iacta alea est

Tyneside Wargames Club

Traders attending include:

Ainsty Castings
Beasts of Bolsover
Caliver Books
Colonel Bill’s Wargames Depot
Dave Thomas
David Lanchester Books
Durham Pals
Figures in Comfort
Four A Miniatures
Games of War
Gateshead Gaming
GB & SD Hobbies
Graham Cummings
Graham’s Weurkshoppe
Ironclad Miniatures
Lesley's Bits Box
MTFG Hobbies
Mutineer Miniatures
Northumbria Games
Old Glory Corporation
Stafford Games
Tumbling Dice
Under the Bed Enterprises
Wargames Emporium
Wargames Recon Magazine
Worley Books

The following traders have expressed an interest in attending Smoggycon 2011

Battlefield Live: Modern Warfare
Dashing Dice Games
Hasslefree Miniatures
Irregular Miniatures
Mantic Games
Rathbone Games
Rubicon Scenics

Have you seen the rivets on that?

goat major

I missed last year due to snow but I'm looking forward to going this year. Looks a good line up with the added bonus that I get a day pass back to gods own country :)
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Quote from: goat major on 06 September 2011, 05:40:38 PM
I missed last year due to snow but I'm looking forward to going this year. Looks a good line up with the added bonus that I get a day pass back to gods own country :)
It's coming together quite nicely this year.  I am considering ordering a tonne of rock salt to grit the access road to the Leisure Centre though...
Have you seen the rivets on that?