An AWI question

Started by wargamesbob, 01 September 2011, 07:58:26 PM

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On the British AWB37 Mounted officers figures. Is the detail at the front end of the saddlery pistol holsters or a sheepskin or both like the Continental 1st dragoons. Or do I really need to make an appointment with my optician?


01 September 2011, 09:00:21 PM #1 Last Edit: 01 September 2011, 09:02:04 PM by Dazza
you mean the tan bit ?

Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


Yeah, that's the bit. It seems textured but also appears to have a smooth pistol barrel protruding below it. The illustration you've posted is interesting, I don't have any references to officers mounts so this certainly is one option. Do you know if the original sculptor is available to comment ? 


I've just been browsing the military collection at 1st, boy that's an interesting site Anyways it does look that the detail may well be pistol holsters as similar details appear on officers horse furnishing from early 1700 through to 1815. Please don't get me wrong with this inquiry, I find your brushwork truly inspirational and I'm certainly not nit-picking.


It's sheepskin. Had difficulty finding portraits of officers mounted (plenty available dismounted), so deferred to Perries on this one;

The painting shown looks like officers of the 1740s?



Thanks for the help Dazza.