Your Scenarios?

Started by crancko, 10 September 2011, 07:36:52 AM

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Ouch, so sorry to hear about your bad back, these can be dreadful and really wear you down -  I know, I suffer from back ache a lot due to a `non fixable` sports injury I received when was a kid. But its great to see you back Cyril.

Quote... I... I retrieved my "Hero Quest" and "Space Crusade" boxes and started to paint them. I just finished the Space Crusade and will start to paint the Hero Quest soon... including some other mins I've bought to replace the original ones... even though I had promised myself not to do that ever again...

What can I say! I have no self-esteem.

;D  =O Shame, SHAME on you.

Actually I can`t talk. I`ve been looking at the new Castle Ravenloft board/figure game with a hungry eye. So far I`ve been very good (including being in the games shop twice and forcing  myself to walk away empty handed *nearly cried I did*), but if I keep watching YouTube videos of the game in action, I know I`ll weaken and end up buying it. And I just can`t play a game with unpainted pieces, so there`s a couple of weeks down the pan while I undercoat, paint, ink, and varnish those â€" if I buy it . There`s still hope for me yet :(  :-\

,,, then of course, there`s the two other (semi expansion) games that go with it.

Uuuuuuugh!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


Quote from: sixsideddice on 19 September 2011, 04:57:54 PM
Actually I can`t talk. I`ve been looking at the new Castle Ravenloft board/figure game with a hungry eye. So far I`ve been very good (including being in the games shop twice and forcing  myself to walk away empty handed *nearly cried I did*), but if I keep watching YouTube videos of the game in action, I know I`ll weaken and end up buying it. And I just can`t play a game with unpainted pieces, so there`s a couple of weeks down the pan while I undercoat, paint, ink, and varnish those â€" if I buy it . There`s still hope for me yet :(  :-\

Uuuuuuugh!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Don't do it - get the rulebook for free & do it in 10mm - you know it makes sense:


hi Six,

Any update about your scenarios?.... =)


QuoteDon't do it - get the rulebook for free & do it in 10mm - you know it makes sense:

BRILLIANT, thanks Nik  :-bd

hmmmm, loads of good ideas here.... *starts writing DW 4th edition Ravenloft supplement*    ;)

Six  :D


QuoteAny update about your scenarios?....

Mid week, first campaign ones will be up.

Six  :)