Painting Services

Started by GavinP, 15 December 2011, 10:14:33 AM

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I've decided its highly unlikely that I am going to slog through the AWI figures I want and paint them myself as I'm too slow and have too many other unfinished projects. My recent health scare has told me that I should spend my time doing stuff I want to and while I enjoy painting, there's a limit to doing large numbers of troops!

So, does anyone have any recommendations of Painting Services for 10mm Pendraken AWI. Of course I know AndyMac's work and I've emailed him already to see if he's interested, but I'd like to see if anyone's got any hidden gems. Most interested in UK based painters who can do a decent job, I'm not going to be paying someone to paint worse than I can do myself even if that does mean that the project doesn't get off the ground.



I have been doing work for people for the last few years. I have not done any ACW as I have mainly stuck to WW2, Medieval and Ancients for 10mm, but ACW should not really be much different.  I have done some work for Leon which is in the minibits section and some medieval he is getting photo’s of done and have plenty of other photos that I can supply if you’re interested.


I'm available from late January. At the moment that is....

Have painted lots of 10mm stuff, mostly ancients, WW2 and SCW, and love painting Revolutionary Wars/Napoleonics in 15mm and 20mm, so AWI would be no problem. I even have some (but not all) references).

contact me on sultanbev at googlemail dot com if you want a quote

Mark Bevis

Leveller Mutineer

Just to throw my hat into the ring;

There's two of us that are involved in this service. There's some 10mm in the gallery and there's some 6mm AWI in the Products/RFDB  section.  There's more AWI on my personal pages
As well as more 10mm photos.
Unfortunately my photography sometimes leaves something to be desired.  The better pics are done by Keith.



@leveller mutineer

please do contact me at I still wait for the first parcel from PENDRAKEN AWI... but duly impressed by your 6mm Baccus painting jobs... maybe some units (once things organized and size of bases determined...) I will be interested on your painting service (it is too early at this moment... but surely the parcel would not take too long now).