Cold war Commander, Jungle Fever

Started by Dave Fairlamb, 10 August 2011, 09:07:31 PM

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Dave Fairlamb

I am going to play a game of Cold war commander on Sunday at me local club. Vietnam! Air cav I think, just what the doctor ordered! Hear is my list, please comment (it is a little cheesy, but in the game mortars are so deadly you would be mad not to take them in numbers)

Regimental Command
•   CO (CV9) = 90pts
•   X4 Conscripts = 120pts
•   X3 Mortars = 120pts
•   1 scheduled ambush =50pts
•   Total = 380pts

Air Support
•   FAC (CV8) in scout helicopter = 45pts
•   F4 Phantom II with Napalm strike = 195pts
•   Total = 240pts

1st Air Cav. Battalion
•   Battalion Command (CV8) = 45pts
•   X6 Conscripts = 180pts
•   X2 M60 Machine guns = 100pts
•   X1 81mm Mortar = 40pts
•   5 Huey’s = 200pts
•   5 Airborne assaults = 450pts
•   Total = 1015pts

1st Infantry Battalion
•   Battalion Command (CV8) = 45pts
•   X6 Conscripts = 180pts
•   X2 M60 Machine guns = 100pts
•   X1 81mm Mortar = 40pts
•   Total = 365pts

ARMY TOTAL 2000pts
Breakpoint = 12

I do love my air support! F4s for the win! "Fast movers with snake and nape" :D. The only thing I dont like is my regulars being called "conscripts"  :'(, what about people in the army before the war? Oh well, a rose by any other name would still commit atrocities and shoot M16s at VCs in the bush!  ;D

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Jim Ando

too many  bloody mortars for a start.

Dave Fairlamb

But the book said I can have 4 every 1000pts! I only have 5, Quick...I shall add 3 more! get rid of useless stuff like infantry and stuff more mortars in!


Soon it shall rain mortar rounds! :d


12 August 2011, 07:34:55 AM #4 Last Edit: 12 August 2011, 07:38:52 AM by OldenBUA
Yes max four for every 1000 points. But also max 1 per 6 infantry (generic rules, pg 54). So with 16 infantry, technically you are allowed only 2... Maybe put in some off-board artillery instead?

Oh, and your FAC should cost 60 points (45 + 15) if he is in a helicopter.

Forgot to say, if your opponent doesn't mind, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But 15 dice against a single unit may be a bit much.
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.

Dave Fairlamb

Yeah, I know about the FAC, the only option he can take is the O-1 Bird Dog but model I have for him is a Loach Recon chopper so I dont buy any upgrades and he just move round at 30cm.

But mortars are so cool (I have not really added more). In BKCII me Russians have got x3 152mm guns on the board! 18 dice at 100cm good by Infantry other soft targets. As Pvt Baldrick put it..."BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM"


Mortars were not normally carried around in the field by the Cav or regular infantry. So while, yes the lists allow you and the US Army TOE includes a mortar platoon, in practice these were used as rifle platoons/companies.  Like wise the recoil-less rifles issue to AT companies.
"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death I Shall Fear No Evil For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
-(Sign over the entrance to the SR-71 operating location Kadena, Japan).


Quote from: Dave Fairlamb on 12 August 2011, 08:31:00 AM
Yeah, I know about the FAC, the only option he can take is the O-1 Bird Dog but model I have for him is a Loach Recon chopper so I dont buy any upgrades and he just move round at 30cm.

But mortars are so cool (I have not really added more). In BKCII me Russians have got x3 152mm guns on the board! 18 dice at 100cm good by Infantry other soft targets. As Pvt Baldrick put it..."BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM"

Right, not paying attention again. The O-1 Bird Dog isn't a helicopter, ofcourse. Would be OK for me (as long as you don't claim the -1 die deviation that you'd normally get).

Yes, 3x 152mm guns can blast a lot of things. They also cost about 400 points, so you will have to blast 10 infantry stands (@40 points each) before you are being overrun by them.  :d
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.

Dave Fairlamb

Yeah my record kill count in 1 game for 152mm guns if I recall was : 6-7 German infantry stands, 1 MG42 stand 1 75mm gun of some type and for some bizarre reason a crazy SIG33b that got too close to my artillery for its own good. Not a bad record, but most games my mates know to stay hidden or face the wrath of the Artillery madness. ;D.

As for my NAM list...slight change of plan, now going to do a spot of Indochina war instead. Should be interesting, have played it before and found out that French Paras are rock hard and VM regulars get killed a lot!

Mick Boddy

Hi Dave, do not worry about Jim's French para's, remember Jim always gets into a good position with them and straight away throws a double six and gets "command blunder", Enjoy the game mate.

Jim Ando

got me a**e kicked again.

crap dice rolling  and 2 blunders. My tanks moved twice in about  9 or 10 turns and our aircraft dropped s*d all .

vive le france .......... NOT!.


Quote from: Mick Boddy on 14 August 2011, 10:23:09 AM
Hi Dave, do not worry about Jim's French para's, remember Jim always gets into a good position with them and straight away throws a double six and gets "command blunder", Enjoy the game mate.

Quote from: Jim Ando on 14 August 2011, 08:46:51 PM
got me a**e kicked again.

crap dice rolling  and 2 blunders. My tanks moved twice in about  9 or 10 turns and our aircraft dropped s*d all .

Haha, have you got the lottery numbers for next week Mick?   :D - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

Mick Boddy

 Hello Leon, whenever I play Jim, I always factor in my game plan that he will always get at least TWO "Command Blunders." :) Works everytime.


Quote from: Mick Boddy on 15 August 2011, 06:03:23 PM
Hello Leon, whenever I play Jim, I always factor in my game plan that he will always get at least TWO "Command Blunders." :) Works everytime.

:D - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

Jim Ando

Next time I`ll not bother to ask if anyone fancies a CWC/BKC game.

I`ll just ask if anyone fancies winning a game of CWC/BKC.