The Salt City Wargamers (Syracuse, NY)

Started by General Bt Sherman, 11 August 2011, 04:25:56 PM

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General Bt Sherman

On Sunday, September 11th The Salt City Wargamers will refight the Battle of Bull Run using the fast play rules, Rally Round the Flag by Scott Monsour. This game will be held at Walt’s Hobby Shop starting at 11:00am. I have two open slots for this game so if you’re interested in joining us please contact me at The Rally Round the Flag rule set is ideal for people new to the hobby so there is no need to know the rules prior to the game. The Salt City Wargamers offer a laid back gamming atmosphere and our main goal is to have fun. Spectators are also welcome, so feel free to come down and check the game out (the best time for viewing the game will be after 1:00pm). Please see our web site for more details:

Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


Thanks for posting, I hope you get a good turnout. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

General Bt Sherman

On Sunday, January 22nd, 2012, the Salt City Wargamers will host another miniature war game day at Walt’s Hobby shop in Syracuse, New York. This event will start at 11:00am and will conclude at 5:00pm. I will continue my 150th commemoration of the American Civil War by running a game based on the 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge. The local Flames of War gamers will also be running some games. So if you’re in the area please feel free to join us. Walt’s Hobby shop has plenty of room so additional games are very welcome. For more information please check our website:
Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!


Quote from: general_btsherman on 20 December 2011, 11:23:49 AM
I will continue my 150th commemoration of the American Civil War by running a game based on the 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge. The local Flames of War gamers will also be running some games.

I bet you get *way* more attention than the FOW crew  :)

Looking forward to the pics - in the absence of cheap flights to NYC  (not to mention the DGCs I'd need to accumulate to attend!) :(

General Bt Sherman

Salt City Wargamer’s Summer Offensive

Next week begins the Salt City Wargamer’s summer offensive. The summer offensive is what I’m calling the series of games that I will be running over the summer months at Walt’s Hobby Shop in Syracuse. My goal is to run a game every other week. Games will be held on Tuesday nights at Walt’s between 5:00 and 8:30pm. The subject of these games will be the American Civil War, World War II (Eastern Front), and possibly some World War II Naval. 

These games will be open to anyone interested in history and/or wargaming regardless of gamming experience. I am also very open to having other people setup and run games for us to play. We are interested in playing all historical periods and subjects.

I will be posting details of each gaming event on our site approximately a week prior to the game. If you’re interested in joining us or if you want to run a game, send me an e-mail at or you can PM me. Now on to the details of the first game.

Summer Offensive-game 1

For the first game of the Salt City Wargamer’s summer offensive, we will be playing Blitzkrieg Commander II. It has been a long time since we have played a game of BKC. For this game, we will use a scenario designed by Rick Hasenauer and adapted to BKC by Kiwi Dave titled Take the hill. We will be using my 15mm miniatures from Battlefront to fight this battle. This game will be held on Tuesday, June 19th from 5:00 to 8:30. Please feel free to stop down and join us. No prior experience with the rules is necessary. Here’s the link to our site:

I hope to see you there.


Wargame or Die!

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!