beefs, requisition caissons, and ambulance

Started by Le Manchou, 03 August 2011, 04:09:18 PM

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Le Manchou

Hello, I will order the generic working party and will mix them with the new Prussian and French infantry to make engineers companies. Now, for my 1870 project, I would like to see added to your catalogue cattle animals like beefs. I also would need campaign hospital wagons, civilian transportation (the French army requisited a lot of civilian transports). Maybe it is already available in other ranges so could you tell me if it is the case. Many thanks!
Si vis pacem, para bellum



As a suggestion, the oxen and wagons from the Boer Wars range might suit your need for beef on the hoof and a couple of wagons. Or just the oxen themselves. Not 100% sure but there are some wagons in the SCW range that might be suitable. I bought some for my colonials but have a look at the link

Le Manchou

Si vis pacem, para bellum