RAF Airfield vehicles.

Started by Sunray, 31 July 2011, 01:41:16 PM

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I know some of you like to build airfields and runways. More diorama than gaming.  Paul Gandy of PG models tells me he is working on a range of 1960s  RAF type vehicles (bowsers, fire trucks etc) in N guage (1/148) - first of these should be available for the IPMS Modelworld show in Telford in November. These are designed for N Gauge  railwaymen and not  with wargaming in mind so will cost more than the relative bargins we get from Pendraken. Howeve, if you want a few rare items to grace the table, they might be worth looking at.

Pendraken codes BR 161, 162 and 163 have the potential to paint up very nicely as RAF types!

Sunray out