WWW2 Walkers

Started by Squirrel, 12 July 2011, 07:24:19 PM

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Following a request by Luddite, and discussion here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2642.0
I have decided to start making some WWW2 Walkers ..... bipedal, with bodies converted from existing models produced by Pendraken.

Right now I have four sets of legs (two types in two styles) a universal 'axle' to join pairs of legs to the 'body'. I have converted one body/chassis, which whilst proving the construction concept, doesn't give the look I'm after. As the photos below show, the legs havn't yet had any detail added, but give the general idea.

WWW2 Walker Parts1 by Squirrel1340, on Flickr

WWW2 Walker by Squirrel1340, on Flickr

My plan is to use the following 'donor' vehicles to construct body/chassis for the walkers:

SdKfz 250
SdKfz 250/8 Neu short 75mm
SdKfz 222 A/C
SdKfz 221 A/C

Daimler A/C
Humber A/C
M5 Stuart

I'd appreciate any thoughts as to others that might be appropriate - or not!




It looks awkward - sorry, but it doesn't look like it belongs somehow :(
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Don't be sorry Nosher - like I said, this body didn't give the look I was after at all, but proved the 'fit' of the parts, i.e. the method of attaching the legs to the body, and sizing the legs to a body.




Nice Kev - I take the point about this body, but I think the startpoint is OK; maybe for elongated bodies you'll need more legs / tri-tracks?

Or possibly it's different bodies, which are more 'vertical', with existing turrets?


I really like these, and I think with some experimenting with hulls, they could be awesome!   8)
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Excellent work there Squirrel old chap.

Looking forward to seeing the other vehicles too.

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