Assistance sought

Started by hamsterking, 19 June 2011, 11:07:55 AM

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I recently purchased a bunch of ww2 stuff including GR3 : MG 34 team. Now the No 1 with the gun is a perfectly fine little figure. But the No 2 is kind of crawling along dragging an ammunition case along with him. It's nice to see that the designer tried to do something different here and the figure itself is ok (a bit flat and a bit tall to be honset but crawling figures defeat most designers) But I can't quite see how the 2 figures would go together on a base as a team. It may just be me, it frequently is, but they just don't obviously seem to fit together.

Others people's views and opinions welcome and photographs of completed teams would be much appreciated.


I've got one here:, about 1/3 the way down the page. Not a great pic, but hopefully it will help you out :)