Dungeon World Campaigns

Started by sixsideddice, 31 May 2011, 12:20:46 PM

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Any idea when the Campaigns book will be available?



We're just going through a bit of editing at this end at the moment, which should be completed soon.  We've got a publisher lined up, so I'll let people know as soon as there's any news.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!




on the subject of wargame campaigns; how many of us play our fantasy games within a semi-structured and protracted campaign world?

I know the trend with Games Workshop (which seems to be the norm with most fantasy gamers nowadays) has often been to link battles together to form a sort of continuous theme... you see it a lot in Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle, some of the Warhammer manuals, and especially in Space Hunk (Sci-fi I know, but relevant), but to me these are not full campaigns as I understand them - not in the same way I see the historical gamers painstakingly pulling together their re-enactments and “what-if” games. The historical gamer will often create maps, logistical charts, invent weather systems depending on the time of year and the terrain the campaign is to be played on, and even create random charts to allow real life considerations to throw a nail in the spokes and spoil the best of well laid plans; the historical gamer may even devise another series of charts to determine generalship ratings, fluctuating unit morale,  chance cards (fate again), ammo depletion, muddy and excessively dry road movement, off game map movement, spies, foraging for food (skirmish clashes) and a whole host of other considerations.... all this before even reaching the table top.

When the games do get to the table, the results of each game are carefully written down on a note pad, and the results taken into account when considering further battles within the campaign itself. These protracted games may continue in this fashion for many month of real time, played at the weekends with friends, small skirmishes played out solo, and occasionally... even replayed as time and patience allows.

Hmmmm, are we, as fantasy gamers a lot lazier when it comes to this type of thing? I`ve been pondering this for some time now, and have not come to any conclusive answer either way. I do personally suspect that we take fantasy as far less important somehow, and therefore we put less of ourselves into any campaign depth or richness; concentrating instead on merely painting and basing the figures, learning the rules system so we can WIN the next game, and making the terrain and style of the layout look as aesthetically pleasing to the critical eye as possible.

So, I`d like if I may to ask two questions to the fantasy forum:

(1)   How do YOU play your fantasy games?

(2)   How, in an ideal situation (time and patience permitting), would you LIKE to play your fantasy games?

I guess I`m trying to see how much of a lag there is between how we actually play, and how we`d like to play, if only we had the where-with-all to do things better?

Six :-)


Hi Six,

You hit the nail on the head with 'time permitting'. Back when I was a 'nipper' - in my teens that is, I had a nice continent map, with each nation/race's territory marked out, details of wealth, poulations etc. Each nation had a finite number of troops which had to be carefully positioned so as not leave areas undefended. Losses from battles could only be replenished either by transfering from another area, or raising new units which would take time.

Seasons played their role, with winter making travel difficult - more so for some races than others of course, with consequencial economic effects as well as military ones.

It's been many years since I've been able to go into that level of campaign detail sadly. I'm trying to get closer with my planned VBCW campaign though.




10 July 2011, 08:16:44 PM #20 Last Edit: 10 July 2011, 08:20:12 PM by sixsideddice
Hi Kev,

what you describe sounds very much like the kind of games played and written about by Tony Bath way back in the early/mid seventies with his "Hyboria" campaign, which ran for ages in "Battle" magazine, which I remember reading as a kid/teen. I`d give an arm  and a leg now to get my hands on a copy of that classic gem of a book.

I know what you mean though about not having time to put something like this together... however, for myself, I am planning to do something about it this year. It all coincides with my plans (happening even now) to sell off the majority (probably 95%) of my life time collection of games, figures and books on eBay. The aim isn`t just to reap some cash for other things *mmmm more figures* but to consolidate and allow my mind to focus on just a few wargame topics... namely:  10mm Fantasy, 10mm Science Fiction, 40mm Lord of the Rings (TMG), 28mm Victorian & early Pulp, and of course, my treasured collection of Arkham Horror Boardgames, Terrible Swift Sword, and G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T (Steampunk)... hmmm  maybe a few others ^^

Okay, that’s a bit more than a few things, but believe me, that is just a few things compared to what I have in my current “must go” collection. Oh to be free of it all. I feel a bit like Bilbo finally letting go of his ring  :)

Anyway, the point is; I plan to focus a lot more on my 10mm Fantasy and Sci-fi, and create something worthy of my time. Part of the eBay funds will go into creating and maintaining my own website for just this. Yes, I have Table Top Titans, but when you have to share ideas and be considerate to others (site partner etc) it’s just not the same as having it all to yourself, if that makes any sense?

Soooo, I plan many new things, especially for my ever growing collection of Pendraken 10mm yummies. Call it a minor epiphany. Whatever it is, I am more enthused and happy than ever with my gaming.

Campaign games here I come.

However, I run before my horse to market. First comes the hard long and difficult job of sorting out all my stuff to sell.... if nothing else I need the space for my new projects  :D.

Six   :-\


I've not heard of Tony Bath's book before, might have to have a search .......

Good luck with trimming down the collection - I keep promising myself to do the same, but soon as I get the stuff out to sort I get all nostalgic, start purring over the nice shiney stuff and can't bring myself to do it =) ;D

I shall look forward to hearing how you progress with your plans though, so please keep us updated. Sounds exciting! I always fancied one of those "epiphany" things :P




11 July 2011, 09:18:05 AM #22 Last Edit: 11 July 2011, 09:22:49 AM by sixsideddice
QuoteGood luck with trimming down the collection - I keep promising myself to do the same, but soon as I get the stuff out to sort I get all nostalgic, start purring over the nice shiney stuff and can't bring myself to do it

;D  =O I know, that`s the problem. Yesterday I just sold my first tentative item on eBay (a metal boxed 30th Anniversary collector`s edition of Tunnels & Trolls). I almost dreaded the buyer putting money into my Paypal account, beause now the reality is that I have to post my precious shiny thing to him... and it`s mine I tell you, it`s mine; my own, my precious *gollum gollum*

QuoteI always fancied one of those "epiphany" things

I`m told it will get better in time  X_X

Six  ;)


Quote from: sixsideddice on 11 July 2011, 09:18:05 AM
Yesterday I just sold my first tentative item on eBay (a metal boxed 30th Anniversary collector`s edition of Tunnels & Trolls).

Glad I didn't know you were selling that - I might have been tempted #:-S

Quote from: sixsideddice on 11 July 2011, 09:18:05 AM
I`m told it will get better in time  X_X

Keep taking the tablets ......................  :P




QuoteKeep taking the tablets ......................  

Aaah yes, but I fear it may be too late.

The other day my wife caught me doing bugle sounds and making cannon fire noises over my little metal men :o


Six   :-$


Certainly sounds like the beginning of the end SIX ;D

"Your DOOMED laddie, DOOMED" - spoken in a Scottish accent of course :P


