10mm basing Horse and Musket

Started by tzen67, 27 March 2010, 10:14:14 AM

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I'm quite new to 10mm and have been fiddling with potential basing schemes for 10mm armies. I'm into the whole Horse and Musket period 9YW to Franco Prussian and would ultimately like armies for all periods (though i'm doing Naploeonics in 15mm  :o due an army i previously owned :-[.) I'm also a convert to the Black Powder rule set.

For 9YW to Naps, my experiments have led me to go for 6 figures 3x2 on 2x3cm bases, figures facing out of the 2cm side. This leaves the base 3cm deep x 2cm wide. 6 bases per standard unit. This makes 36 figures per unit but the deep bases allows for the odd extra figure at the back of some bases so units could go up to 42 figures.

For Mid 19C the above scheme is a bit too dense so around 4 figures per base works.

The 2x3cm bases are big enough to handle but can be put on sabots for easy movement if necessary. For me relatively small bases keep the armies future proof for yet to be written rule sets.

Just wondered what peoples opinions were.
Many thanks,


Well I'm just getting ready tp paint up my AWI 10mm,  well organising them up atm, and will complete over the next 3 - 4 months. I've gone with Black Powder and British Grenadier, so i've used the same basing as DAB did with his, seems to look ok and works with both sets of rules

Infantry :  20x20mm  4 figures to a base / 2 figures to a base
Cavalry : 25x25mm 2 figures to a base
artillery :  25x25mm / 30x40mm / 40x40mm size dependant

Command bases i'll mount on 40mm round and put 3 mounted and a few infantry I suppose...  make a nice little scenario on them

Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies : http://www.ukstrike.co.uk
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos : https://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


Its a question of aesthetics of course but for me 4 figs on 2x2cm bases looks just a little too sparse for me considering the men would be pretty much shoulder to shoulder. I do think it works for the later H&M periods where the formations were looser.


ps Dazza, just had a look at your site, very nice WW2 stuff. Look forward to seeing your AWI stuff.


With my AWI, I used 30x20mm bases.  I only use a single rank of miniatures as the depth of a 2 rank formation is minimal vs its length.   I can only get 4 figures in a 30mm frontage which represent the 2 rank AWI formations.  I will cram in 6 figures in 2 ranks for the 3 rank AWI formations such as the French.

Last Hussar

I'm currently tryng to decide on war/basing.  A lot will depend on 'Sunjester', and whether he likes Black Powder and if we do SYW.

If we do SYW then he is looking at 4 x 30mm bases.  This will take 2 four man ranks.  However I am now wondering about 3x2 on a 20mm base, 5 bases per unit.

I am also thinking of doing 1812ish, but SJ doesn't like Napoleonics (bad experiences as a youth!)  Might do 6 x 20mm 2x2 figures bases for this or 5 bases of 3x2, with a seperate strip for the 'mixed formation' skirmishers, rather than flank redeployment.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


I've gone with warmaster style bases for all my 10mm stuff, on the basis that there'll probably be a variant for most periods. I am seriously looking at blackpowder for my AWI games, I think it will fit, though I haven't read it in detail yet. Plus there's the possibility of Napoleonic Warmaster being released in the future.

Dazza, I'll be looking forward to seeing your AWI units!


For infantry I base on 2X2.50cm bases and I place 6 man per base, 3 on the front 2 deep and depends the army the regiment has 6 bases. It makes a total of 36 soldiers per regiment.


Good afternoon,

The following photos are my inspiration:

Of course, these minis are 28mm but I try to do something similar in 10mm.

I took the photos from a site, no working any more, called Phil Warcabinet. Thanks to Phil Olley and his friends, one of them is the  outstanding John Ray.

Last Hussar

For God's sake don't post pictures like that without warning! I was wondering how anybody painted that much detail on 10mm!
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry

Ben Waterhouse

Quote from: Last Hussar on 29 March 2010, 10:42:48 PM
For God's sake don't post pictures like that without warning! I was wondering how anybody painted that much detail on 10mm!

Didn't break a sweat, thought it was Clib's remodelled 10mm SYW range...


Quote from: Ben Waterhouse on 30 March 2010, 09:50:27 AM
Didn't break a sweat, thought it was Clib's remodelled 10mm SYW range...

Don't be putting ideas like that in my head!

Then again...


Fab painting - often tempted into historic 28mm - ive done vast amounts of Citadel fantasy but have often thought of 28mm AWI, problem is a unit would take me a month plus to paint, where a 10mm Pendraken unit (which are lush) could be painted in 3 evenings ( 30 figs).
But these pictures are great -and it does tempt my weaker side - must get rid of the 4 ton of lead straining my loft.  :) ;)
God Save the Queen
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In FPW I base 10 figures to a 2X1" terrained stand.  Five are in closed order at the back of the stand, and five are scattered skirmish style across the front.  A stand is a battalion.  3 stands make a regiment which is  the basic unit of tactical movement and combat.  4 such regiments make a division with artillery added.  A regiment is exactly the content of a £3 bag.  Ground scale is 1" (25mm)=50 meters.

This is the recommended though not required mounting for my Zoauve rules, which you can see at www.repiquerules.com  There is also a Yahoo forum under Repique Rules that has many photos of the figures and  stands.

I use the same mounting for ACW, though the 3 stand formation is called a brigade.

Last Hussar

Tzen - I'm looking at SYW and/or '1812' for Black Powder- I am thinking 2 rows of 3 on 20mm bases, with movement trays, but the idea of an extra cm off the back in intriguing- doesn't it make squares difficult to form?
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Hi Last hussar. I based a SYW unit up on 2cm x 2cm bases 2 rows of 3 figures and although good i felt the base looked crowded. A 2cm x 3cm base allows more base to show through and just looks better to my eyes (although i have yet to base up a unit in this format). Forming square is an issue with this basing. As i don't think i'll be doing Napoleonics in 10mm (already do it in 15mm) i don't think its a big issue for me. In those periods where square does happen i think i'd just go with 3 bases facing one way and the other 3 bases facing in the opposite direction, back to back. Not an ideal solution.