Salute Show Report!

Started by Leon, 19 April 2011, 10:13:36 PM

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19 April 2011, 10:13:36 PM Last Edit: 06 May 2011, 02:53:40 AM by Leon
After weeks and weeks of preparation, this past weekend saw us off down to the capital for the UK's biggest wargames show, Salute!

This year we set off Friday morning (as opposed to travelling down Thurs), so Dave was outside in the van at a rather unsociable 7:30am.  The trip down was filled with reports of lost lorry loads, crash's, and bizarre scrapyard fire shenanigans, but we got through everything unscathed, popped into Hemel to pick up some bits, and carried on to the Excel Arena.  On arrival, all the vans are assigned into lanes outside the venue, as we await entry.

We arrived around 1pm, and chilled out in the sunny weather as we waited for the hall to open.  There were a good few other traders around, so we killed some time chatting with Dave and Anne from Caliver, the team from Gateshead Games/Reiver Casting, and the guys from Figures in Comfort.

The hall opened around 2-ish, and we managed to get in by 2:30pm.  Dave was concerned about the traffic on the M11 on the way out, and as I was staying in London with a friend, we unloaded the van and Dave got away quickly.  I finished off setting the stand up and got done about 4pm.  The stand was duly covered, and I set off to explore these train things...  ;)

Saturday morning I got to the venue at 8am.  It was an interesting change to be travelling to a show using public transport, and I found the train system to be fast and easily accessible.  The DLR brings you right to the entrance to the Excel, and the only downside is that the Salute hall was number 10 of 11, and it's a fair old trek from the front of the venue down to the hall.  There were some people already queueing outside the hall when I arrived!  That's dedication for you!

There were only a few bits and bobs to finish off Saturday morning, and Dave and Cliff had been busy for half an hour when I arrived.  I got on with putting the finishing touches to everything, and Dave went off for one of those posh bacon bagels we were introduced to last year.  I don't know if he went into the city to get them, cos he was gone for some time!

The stand was done by 9, so I went for a wander about to grab some quick pics.  The hall was dominated by some very large stands in the centre, with Wayland Games in particular having a massive amount of space.  I did notice that GW were absent this year, where last year they had quite a large walk-through stand.  (I remember cos I only stepped in on the way to somewhere else, and was immediately descended upon by a salesperson  :D)  One thing I also noticed was that some of the traders seemed to have downsized their stands from last year, which I guess is a symptom of the current economic situation.  On a similar vein, there seemed to be less traders overall, but I couldn't be certain.

The Bring and Buy is always the first port of call for most visitors, I grabbed a pic before the show opened and the crowds massed!

There was also a handy little kiosk at one end of the hall:

The rather large Space Marine from last year must have been fired from security duty, in favour of these chaps.  There may have been more than two of them, but I didn't get chance for a proper Luke about...

Outside the doors, the Advance ticket queue was outnumbering the regular queue by quite a margin, and the doors opened promptly at 10am.  I was still wandering as they announced that the show was opening, but it takes people a while to filter around to the Pendraken stand at the end of the hall.  Once they did though, business was brisk!

The Pendraken Forum members were out in force at Salute, and I had the pleasure of meeting Goat Major, O Dinas Powys and Cpt Spaulding for the first time.  Cpt Spaulding actually dropped off his Painting Competition entry (which placed second) for us to use, and very kindly donated his prize to charity.  A donation will be heading to Help for Heroes forthwith.  We were also visited during the day by Pruneau, Eldamarelf, Republic of Tolworth, Sandinista, Andyrob and probably a few others who I've probably missed.  Mollinary came by with some excellent 1866 Saxon flag information for me, so I'll be getting onto those as soon as I get chance.  Germy was helping out on the stand behind ours, and I managed to have a quick chat with him about an upcoming Forum competition...  ;)

Another chap (whose Forum name escapes me  :-[) popped by with a painted example of a new range we've got in the works.  No details really at the moment, but we'll let you know as soon as we have something ready...

We were run off our feet all morning, and business was great.  The new League of Augsburg samples were flying out, and some of the new 2000pt BKC armies were gone before lunch.  Another couple of Dungeon's also disappeared, as more people decided to get into some 10mm crawling!

There were a few external events going on during Saturday, and the number of visitors seemed to drop around the 1:30pm mark.  People were still buying though, and things continued nicely throughout the afternoon.

I took the brief opportunity in the afternoon to have another look around and grab some pics of the huge assortment of games.  A quick note here: there were so many games, and so little time, that I only managed to get one picture of most of the games.  If anyone else has pics, and info, on the various games, please post them up as well!   8)

It was around 3:45pm when there was an announcement from the organisers, informing the traders that the hall next door was unoccupied, and that we could bring the vans up and park them in there.  I think this was something to do with the London Marathon, and a load of HGV's needing to get access down below.  Dave promptly shot off like a dart to get in the queue!

I think that's enough waffle for now, so here's a load of pics of the games.  I've tried to include some info where possible as well:

Realtime Wargamers FPW game:

And a boat!:

As you can see, there were some fantastic games, really a high standard throughout.  There were some interesting variations on the usual layouts as well, with one table being built up to chest height, and another with some great terrain making use of the vertical plane.

I'm not sure what the final numbers through the door were, but from talking with some of the other traders, most of them seemed to have had a good day.  We'd had our best year at Salute, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

After the show closed, we got packed down quickly and were on the road by 6, heading back up to Hemel for a well-earned drink!

So, the only thing left to do is give you the rogue's gallery which is... the Pendraken Auxiliaries!  As with last year, we've got a few Forum members lurking under the helmet, so we'll allow them to identify themselves!

And a couple of special ones...   :P

So there it is for another year!  A great weekend enjoyed by all, and we'll be back with bells on next year (and with a new helmet!)  Next on the calendar is a trip to the other end of the country, for the Carronade show in Falkirk! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Good stuff Leon - nice load of pics there. I trust you encouraged those last two to sign up on the forum?  :)


Quote from: nikharwood on 19 April 2011, 10:42:45 PM
Good stuff Leon - nice load of pics there. I trust you encouraged those last two to sign up on the forum?  :)

I tried...   :( - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



Quote from: Leon on 19 April 2011, 11:27:51 PM
I tried...   :(

Perhaps you have had to use a sword instead of the helmet to convince them? ^ ^
The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.


Great pics, Leon, way better than mine.  And to think you had to get them in a few quick walkarounds, while I had all day...

I only have overview pictures, almost no detail, I'm afraid.  I'll try to post them up later this week, but I'm on holiday, and as we all know that means less time to do stuff  :D  It's busy busy busy.  ;D
Boardgames: MMP ACW, ASL ᴥ BKC & SSOM - WW2 (In development) ᴥ Flying Lead - Sci-Fi: Shocktroops, Pulp, Spugs ᴥ WH - Greenskins, Dwarfs - -

ʎɐqə ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎəʞ ɐ ʎnq ı əɯıʇ ʇsɐl əɥʇ sı sıɥʇ


Boardgames: MMP ACW, ASL ᴥ BKC & SSOM - WW2 (In development) ᴥ Flying Lead - Sci-Fi: Shocktroops, Pulp, Spugs ᴥ WH - Greenskins, Dwarfs - -

ʎɐqə ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎəʞ ɐ ʎnq ı əɯıʇ ʇsɐl əɥʇ sı sıɥʇ

Steve J

Thanks for the report Leon. Always good to see the variety of tables on show. Glad you had a good day as well.


The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.


Thanks for all the photos Leon - good to see what I missed :(

Some interesting looking games and excellent scenery.

Hmmm ......... 10mm Aeronef anyone :D




Yeah, great report, Leon. Just makes me even more p*****d off that I couldn't go :'(
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Aart Brouwer

I want this one for Christmas.  :P

What a beautiful lay-out and how eminently suitable for gaming, particularly with Crossfire.  8->

Sadly no longer with us - RIP (1958-2013)

"No, I do not have Orcs, Riders of Rohan, Dark Elves, Skaven, Kroot Mercenaries Battle Tech, HeroClix, Gangs of Mega-City One or many-horned f****** genetic-mechanoid arse-faced pigmen from the Purple Pustule of Tharg T bloody M." (Harry Pearson, Achtung Schweinehund!)

Paint it Pink

Nice pictures and a good report of the day.
Unlike some people, I feel under no obligation to pretend that only one war-gaming scale is true, and that any others 6mm/10mm/15mm/25mm are mistaken; or that I know better than people themselves what is right for them to use. The point is precisely for all war-gamers to decide for themselves.


Quote from: Paint it Pink on 20 April 2011, 07:49:03 PM
Nice pictures and a good report of the day.

I knew I'd miss someone!  Good to see you at the show! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


WOW!!!  What a great day... and I missed it Waaaaaaaaa!!!!    :(

Everything looks very cool (love that Chariot Racing set up). Thanks for sharing the day; makes me feel I was there, but also makes me wish very much that I had been. The additional link was a nice bunus. I scoured the photos with avid interest... especially the various stands.

Cheers, and glad it went so well.

Six  :)