Dungeon World: Fantasy monsters

Started by nikharwood, 08 April 2011, 10:07:33 PM

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Some pics of my newly-painted monsters in-dungeon:


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Oops now you got tanish brown looking critters   :D

Very nice indeed Nik!


Quote from: Blaker on 09 April 2011, 02:12:06 AM
Oops now you got tanish brown looking critters   :D

Yep - those are sand demons  ;)


That Stonework is Awesome Buddy. Any chance of a tutorial. I've always gone for the grey stonework, but this is inspirational
"When you have nothing to loose...........THEN you have Everything to fight for"


Not seen this thread before....
Sodding heck Nik....That's beautiful...Awesomely good !
Cheers - Phil.


14 March 2012, 11:15:57 PM #6 Last Edit: 14 March 2012, 11:18:16 PM by nikharwood
Quote from: daveyboy21 on 14 March 2012, 09:46:33 AM
That Stonework is Awesome Buddy. Any chance of a tutorial. I've always gone for the grey stonework, but this is inspirational

Thanks mate - more pics are here: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,957.60.html

Tutorial-wise - notes are further down that thread, but copied here:

Wash, dry, undercoat spray black

Wet overbrush: (used a 1/2 inch house-painting brush for this)
Charred Brown
Beasty Brown

Stipple: heavy => light
Leather Brown
Plague Brown
Desert Yellow
Bleached Bone

Magic Wash:

Final feather-light drybrush:
Bleached Bone

Matt spray varnish (4 coats)

The stippling was done over fairly random areas of the pieces so that some parts are darker, some lighter; I did aim to be lighter towards the edges of the pieces for definition. I did proper wreck a cheap paintbrush with the stippling too...

Took me about 40 minutes to paint from black undercoat.

Quote from: Techno on 14 March 2012, 10:04:39 AM
Not seen this thread before....
Sodding heck Nik....That's beautiful...Awesomely good !
Cheers - Phil.

Phil, mate - what *have* you been looking at all this time? The Top Totty thread?  ;) ;D


Cheers matey
NOW!...................Do I overpaint what I have already done....................Decisions Decisions
"When you have nothing to loose...........THEN you have Everything to fight for"



Good idea. I could put another storey on it.......................would it still be a dungeon though. A Fantasy Penthouse just doesn't have the same ring to it
"When you have nothing to loose...........THEN you have Everything to fight for"


Quote from: nikharwood on 14 March 2012, 11:15:57 PM
Phil, mate - what *have* you been looking at all this time? The Top Totty thread?  ;) ;D

Possibly....But that's because I'm an 'artiste', ;D and so am allowed to view the female form in a detached way and from a purely aesthetic viewpoint. :^o
Cheers - Phil


Don't get me started on a "fantasy penthouse"...not on a Friday night  ;)



"When you have nothing to loose...........THEN you have Everything to fight for"

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Quote from: daveyboy21 on 17 March 2012, 09:18:56 AM
Tup Totty Thread????????

WHAT - you have not visited the most popular thread on the forum (that doesn't involve trains, planes or tarletons): http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,1714.0.html

Worth a visit - when the Mrs isn't watching!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner