WWII Russians

Started by Dave Fairlamb, 08 April 2011, 08:51:17 PM

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Dave Fairlamb

08 April 2011, 08:51:17 PM Last Edit: 08 April 2011, 08:53:54 PM by Dave Fairlamb
Hi all, recently I have started playing allot of Blitzkrieg Commander, and I have a fairly reasonable Russian Army (5000+pts). But have noticed that Forward Artillery Observers are missing in all theaters accept 1944-45 for my glorious Soviet Army! I have contacted Specialist Military Publishing and asked of it is a typo, but alas it is not "designed to make the Russian players use scheduled artillery" they said.

So I ask you the good people of the pendraken forum, to donate 3 Rubles per month or all you can afford so that a Russian Command may be able to buy a radio (even a cool wind up one). When all of you other players can easily call in heavy artillery when the Fascist Invaders are at you own mother land, Remember the poor Soviets with not even a carrier pigeon to communicate with, getting hammered...

Thank you for caring

only joking, I Love schedualed artillery madness!!! (please dont send me any russain money though)


There is the option of Recce (Scouts) that can do the FAO's job in the mid- and late-war lists. I too am a Comrade of the Army of the Workers and Peasants :) I feel your pain... nothing more frustrating than having loads of big guns that side there idle while your FAO reads the radio manual, trying make it work....


Quote from: Kiwidave on 08 April 2011, 09:15:54 PM
There is the option of Recce (Scouts) that can do the FAO's job in the mid- and late-war lists.(...) nothing more frustrating than having loads of big guns that side there idle while your FAO reads the radio manual, trying make it work....

.. or waiting for batteries ?  ;)
( some stuff http://www.rkk-museum.ru/vitr_all/121_e.shtml )
And I agree, Recce units can be useful !