Cthulhu Cultist Conversions...

Started by nikharwood, 09 April 2011, 09:07:48 AM

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...complete camera close-ups...that's enough alliteration, need more coffee...

Anyway - here's some pics of some simple conversions [cut-down weapons, sculpted robes / hoods / cowls] of a variety of figures from the 10mm bits-box: these will be cultists for use in my Strange Aeons games:

Should have a prize if you can ID the original figures  :D


I love your conversion from GW Space Marine Dreadnaught into 10mm Cultists.  Im amazed.


Good Work!

Iaï ! Iaï ! Cthulhu ftaghn! ^^
The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.


Steve J

I think the kneeling and running riflemen probably started life as part of the SCW range. Am I close?


10 April 2011, 01:26:41 AM #4 Last Edit: 10 April 2011, 01:34:06 AM by nikharwood
Nope - they're SYW Austrian Grenzers - not even close old buddy  :)

Anyway - I painted these tonight: once they've had a spray-matt varnish in the morning, I'll post some pics - I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out  8)