The 1st Carlist War

Started by Bertalucci, 25 March 2011, 07:47:20 AM

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Hi All

I have been bitten by a bug for the 1st Carlist War.  8)
I am currently translating a set of rules from Spanish and think that 10mm will be just perfect for representing this conflict at battallion level.

From my reading so far i think that:
The Christino Spanish Regulars and Portugese can be represented by late Napoleonic French in Shako  :D
The British Auxilliary Legion by British Crimean  :P
But Oh NO the Carlists all wear a beret so unless Dave has a fit of madness and converts a few heads I need to do a lot of conversions   :'(

So please advise which of the ranges will be the easiest to convert from - the Carlists were a raggedy lot with uniforms pulled together from their dads old Napoleonic uniforms and odds and end of civillian clothes. Also it seemed to rain alot so they often wore greatcoats!

My first ports of call for conversion were South American Pacific War Range and ACW Confederates, Zoaves in kepi - which ones do you think will fit the bill?
It needs to be an easy conversion (just building up with miliputty) cos I'm cack handed and I need to do @500 infantry!
The cavalry is less of a problem because there was very little of it about on the battlefield so I'm happy enough to carve my fingers chopping down and building up for the few figures required.

Some pictures can be found on  which gives an impression of what I'm after.

Regards Bert


a) Have you looked at the Spanish Civil War range- at least some of the figures wear those large floppy berets.
b) The ragged South Americans wear either kepis and blanket rolls or Havelocks and ponchos so I don't think they will help

Dave Turner


I'll get back to you on this one, need to check with Dave on some stuff. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Have you thought of a milliput/greenstuff beret on French Franco-Prussian line infantry. They have the requisite greatcoat and epaulettes. Not sure about the gaiters though.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: Dour Puritan on 14 April 2011, 12:42:18 PM
Have you thought of a milliput/greenstuff beret on French Franco-Prussian line infantry. They have the requisite greatcoat and epaulettes. Not sure about the gaiters though.

Yup - and will do conversions for cavalry (Hussars with beret) and (Artillery) SAP16/17 and if all else fails the 450 odd infantry.
Because they were not the best equipped army in history (kept running out of ammo) I would like a few options on the table.

Hoping yo get to Durham show in June to have a look at the options.



Well - what can I say!

All the figures ordered (in excess of 1,200) - quite a varied range overall
British - Crimea range in the main although I used the Napoleonic range for the Rifles  :D
Spanish - Napoleonic range  :D
Carlistas - Franco Prussian, South American War, Austrians and others - essentially anything with baggy pants a greatcoat or similar and a not too fancy hat as these would all need to be green stuffed.  :D

Progress to date - all done - simple - marvellous - really look the part - completed in months less than I had thought possible.  :o
Even had time to scratch build several villages full of buildings, 2 forts, 36ft of walls and a scale model of the outer fortifications of San Sebastian - I just love 10mm now.

Oh NO - I now need 2 Portuguese Battalons and 2 French Foreign Legion Battalions.

So having got the figures and terrain sorted I moved onto the battlefield - quickly dumped the Spanish rules, the authors mechanism's to accomodate skirmishers slowed the game to a snails pace and I could not see a way of making them work efficiently with the bigger battles.

Had a go with Blackpowder, and these remain on the table, but in the meantime-
My local gaming club were giving Fire & Fury a go for Franco Prussian War and these seemed to have the right feel.
Cash in hand I bought Fire & Fury Regimental and adapted them for the earlier timeframe of the First Carlist War.
Essentially by selecting the older weapon types and a bit of tweaking of the artillery factors as these were not as effective as in the ACW period.
Also adopted rules for infantry response to cavlary charges from the F&F forum (Infantry charged by cavalry in the open must form a hasty square if they have not voluntarily formed square in their movement phase).

We have now played four games and the modifications seems to be working fine and if I say so myself the figures look great.   


Of the four battles 2 went with the historic result and 2 reversed this - mainly due to risky decisions of the respective Generals actually working.
I'm now working on producing scenarios based on the 60 something field battles which occurred during the war.
A lot of 'artistic' licence has to be applied here as in many of the battles you are lucky to know who the Generals were but a few of the larger engagements were documented and extrapolation is possible!


You're making excellent progess there Bert! You know I'm going to any pics?  :)


Regimental F&F is a cracking set of rules that works well for the mid 19th Century - are your mods on the F&F Forum?

For FFL in the Carlist Wars how about the 1859 French Guard Voltigeurs or 1866 Austrians in Greatcoat

And some pictures please


I will try and get some pics.
I'm not great with a camera!



Well I've tried!

Carlistas(All modified with Beret, Guias also have a striped blanket over their shoulder).

Don Carlos and Zumalecarregui confer

Some Cristinos, with Hussars De La Princessa in the rear.

British Auxilliary Legion - English Brigade & Royal Marines with Rifles in Skirmish order

Scottish Brigade with Chappel Gorris in skirmish order

BAL defending San Sebastian as it was in 1835/6

All buildings scratch built with N Gauge pantile roofs.



Very nice - thanks for the pics  =D> 8)


These look good. A friend of mine is keen to play this period. I'll get him to have a look.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Those look great, well done on the scratch builds too!  :o
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Yesterday's refight of the battle of Asarta went really well.

The Carlistas defended well although they were surprised somewhat by the Cristino's deploying all of their forces on the left flank of the battlefield opposing the 3 Navarre battalions. Confident that the Carlistas Navarre battalions were going to be crushed if not supported immediately the 3 Alava battions rushed out of their defensive positions into the open fields trying to turn the Cristino right flank.

A series of dreadful/delightful dices rolls, depending on whose side you support, later it looked as though they had been successful, but the the fickle finger of fate poked the Carlistas well and truly in the eye. The battle ending in a draw but as the Carlist general I think it was only a matter of time before what I had left would be withdrawing as the Cristino right flank had got itself organised and was pummeling what remained of the Alava battalions, outnumbering them 5:2 in units. The Carlist center had disolved and their adventurous assault on the Cristino left was running out of steam.



Sounds fun Bert - did you get any pics of the battle?