'First Look' Republican Roman pics!

Started by Leon, 24 March 2011, 04:31:47 AM

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Thanks Matt !

Very useful information.....Doesn't sound too far away from the 'ideas/reference pics' that I was thinking about working towards...More pics soon.

Cheers - Phil.


Looking pretty good...althought rider's feet on the left look a little 'clowny' (overlarge).

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Hi Luddite....
When I looked...the extra long toes are the remains of a bit of putty that I'd cut, but hadn't removed properly...(sigh)...Good spot tho'.
Cheers - Phil.


Hi Techno,

I am with Matt, from what I have read the most common helmet was the Greek Boiotian type with a simple plume falling down. The Decurion with a sword and perhpas a more ornate plume?. Signifer much the same.
There is some contradiction as to what type of armour was worn, Polybius mentions linen cuirasses, but several reliefs show mail shirts? How about doing both types mail for the Romans and linen for the Latin allies. Or is this just taking the P**S.

Do you know what Carthaginians you will be doing?

P.S There are two drawings of shields for the cavlalry in the Osprey Republican Roman Army 200-104BC book, page 22.



Thanks Bertie.

Feels like I'm going along the right lines here....Should have some more photos showing them all near(ish) to completion on Monday.
I'll do the chain mail for two of these chaps...The decurian roughly as it is in the photo.
The linen type I'll possibly do as conversions a little later. (Once these chaps have been cast up obviously..)....Maybe the same for different shields....That'll be Leon and Dave's shout.

Yep....I've got my list for the Carthaginians....though i wouldn't be surprised if Leon expands this a bit...again, a little later on.
Should have some Wips to show on those too early next week, for  comments.

Maybe have some questions re the elephant next week...From what I've been reading there seems some 'controversy' as to whether they a) had a howdah, or b) just rode on its back..depending on exactly which period is being portrayed......Might try and figure out if I can do 'just the one' which has an 'attachable' howdah, so you'll be able to chose.
There's only going to be just the one elephant....As I've read two different species (?) were used (One of which is now extinct ?)....But again, in different 'eras'.

Hope that makes sense !

Cheers - Phil


Quote from: Techno on 06 October 2011, 12:53:30 PM

Some advice needed with these please all.

Above are Wips of the republican cavalry....
The chap on the left is destined to be an 'ordinary' cavalry 'trooper' (equites ?) for which I have a nice reference piccy....He's proposed to have a cloak...medium sized round shield and a spear/lance.
The guy in the middle is proposed as a 'standard bearer/signifier' similar to the foot version that I've already done.....Would this be correct ?... Wolf/bearskin cloak and his standard.....Not sure if I'm barking up the wrong tree here !
On the right will be the tribune (?)..again similar to the foot version already done, though with a smaller round shield than before.

Input and comments would be gratefully received before I go 'galloping' off down the wrong path. (And I'm probably going to have to tweak a couple of the horses heads before I finish !)

Thanks - Phil... (Now back to their enemy....Pics soon with luck !)

One eques, two equites.
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Here we go then.....Closer to completion...But not as close as I would have liked....Lots of tweaks AND proper finishing off to do yet.....
Not TOO far to go tho' !

Cheers - Phil


They look really nice.

Feet perhaps look a little big, especially left hand rider.
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Dammit !.....You're right....I'll give them all a little surgery ! ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil. ....Serves me right for trying to do 'sandals' at this scale  ;)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Those are looking good! Consistantly great sculpts.

That reminds me...
How's Kiera Leon?
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: mad lemmey on 11 October 2011, 05:52:59 PM
How's Kiera Leon?

Ah dammit... I was waiting for someone to remind me about her!  I'll bring the camera to work tomorrow and grab a pic for everyone!
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Thanks for the compliments guys.
But I'm confused now.
Who's this Kiera Leon ? I thought her surname was Knightley...I must brush up on my films  :D

Cheers - Phil.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Think she might be Pictish Personality 1 - 1 in a range of 1...  ;)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner