'First Look' Republican Roman pics!

Started by Leon, 24 March 2011, 04:31:47 AM

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These are looking great, better than some I've seen in larger scales. You're going to get me into trouble with SWMBO Phil, definitely another 'project as soon as these are released!

Actually, I can see some of these are going to have multiple uses - at leas tthat's going to be my excuse 8)




Thanks lots Kev !

Just a few little tweaks to do before they're ready to pop into the post to Leon.....But I HAVE got some cavalry to do very soon as well.

Cheers - Phil. (PS...Have I got  the 'avatar' (is that right ?) for you....Squirrel with a machine gun.) ;)


Quote from: Techno on 10 August 2011, 11:48:22 AM
Have I got  the 'avatar' (is that right ?) for you....Squirrel with a machine gun.) ;)

Sounds cool 8)




Excellent work Techno, just a couple of questions.

What has Leon asked you to do?

Will there be a Principes figure? Same as the Hastati but with a mail shirt.

Will any of the Velites have an animal skin helmet cover?

And perhaps this is asking too much, but figures throwing the  Hastati/Principes pilum and Velite javelin?

And why the Archer figure with the mail shirt, great figure which I would use with a very late Republic early Imperial army but not with a mid Republic army. Yeah perhaps I am a sad.



Hi Bertie

What you see is basically what Leon has asked me to do.

No plan for a Principes figure at the mo'...Tho' having done as much research as i could I was wondering what those looked like !...Maybe in the future/soon.

Yes....I'm already going to 'convert' (add to) one of the current Velites to give him a wolf's head 'hoody' and cape (If you'll excuse my terminology !).

Throwers...Again, perhaps in the future....Not too difficult for me to make, but possibly a swine for casting purpose, so that'll be up to Leon and Dave.

The archer ?.....Awww pants....that was the best I could find ref wise...though of course no particular 'era' was mentioned...What should they look like ?
Like the Velites..Though with a bow rather than the javelin ?...Let me know....This is the sort of info I need to 'make them right'. :)

Cheers - Phil


10 August 2011, 11:46:26 PM #65 Last Edit: 10 August 2011, 11:47:58 PM by Leon
This was just the first batch for these, we'll be chatting with Phil about the next lot soon I would imagine.

At the moment, the next batch would include the Principes and the slingers, so they're covered.  We'll also be looking at some Allies, and I might have a browse through the Requests to see which items can be done with this range.  

With the archer figure, thanks for the info, that's handy to know.  We'll probably ask Phil to do another one without the mail shirt, and then we've got both bases covered.

And as Phil says, any other info you've got would be great.  We've got a few reference books for this, but extra sources are always handy to have.

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Quote from: Leon on 10 August 2011, 11:46:26 PM
With the archer figure, thanks for the info, that's handy to know.  We'll probably ask Phil to do another one without the mail shirt, and then we've got both bases covered.

That would be great as I would like both styles of archer :D




No sweat Guys..

I'll start on a 'non mail' archer, so he's ready for whenever he's needed !....We'll be waiting on you Bertie for the info  :-bd.
And I forgot to put last time.....Of course you're not sad !....The problem (from a designer's point of view) is,  with making lots of different ranges from different eras  in all sorts of scales) I can only have the broadest idea of what's correct.
I rely on pictures from reference books...the net...etc...So any input from those that have really studied a particular period is more than welcome, I promise !
It's great fun learning....Even at my age ! ;D ;D ;D ;D....I love it !

Cheers - Phil


Hello Techno, very nice figures, i am a bit worried though about the oval shields on some of the figures, i think it needs to be chest height at least, that to me was the main drawback to the original Pendraken figures, the shields on the Republican Romans were much too small which to me made them unusable, the shields on page one of this thread look about right.

great figures though


11 August 2011, 10:22:27 AM #69 Last Edit: 11 August 2011, 10:28:47 AM by Techno
Hi Toolsey.

I stand to be corrected, but I believe from the research (HAH !) that I've done that the 'oval' shields of this particular period (wot I are doing ..sic) were just a  tad over waist high, (just to the bottom of the rib-cage, which is what I've done.)....That is, if the shield was standing on the ground......Later on (as far as I can tell) you'd be absolutely right in thinking that the shields were noticeably taller...Some almost up to the shoulder of the soldier.

Like I've said...I certainly don't regard myself as any sort of expert....I just follow on from the research that others have done to a far greater degree......If only the Romans had invented photography all those years ago .(Sigh)...then we could all be much more certain.  ;)

But the input is greatly appreciated...And the compliments.....Thanks ! (Sorry....can't see the thread ...)

Cheers - Phil.


Apart from 'doing' the archer without the mail shirt...These are now all hopefully finished !
I hope Bertie reads the previous few 'missives' so he can give me some help with the new archer....eeek !

Hope they're OK !

Cheers - Phil.


Blimey, can I just say at this stage that I am no expert on the subject, like you guys I have just read up on as many history and rule books as I could and have formed an impression on what a 2nd Punic War Roman army should feel like. I am not back peddling but just so you understand where I am coming from. So that said.

Great news that there will be a Principes figure in due course as they made 1200 men of the Legion. Without them it would be a non starter.

On the subject of a figure throwing a Pilum, Pendraken have a great figure from the Marian/Caesar period figure code AR9, there is also a figure about to get stuck in with his gladius, so i suppose it is at least feasible?

About the size of the sheild, I agree with Toolsey that on the original figures fron Pendraken the sheilds are far to small. But as far as I am concerned Techno has it right, from what I have read the height would be around 1.4m high for a Scutum


The new archer though Bertie ?.....You'll be far more knowledgeable than yours truly !

Perhaps.....Like the ones I've already done, but with just a tunic and no mail over the top, sound along the right lines ? (I'll work on that basis ?)
Sounds like the 'throwers' will be a 'goer'..and the Principes....I'll just wait for Leon to say when.

Cheers - Phil.


When it comes to the archer figure, well they don't appear to have been that prevalent in the Punic wars, slings seem to have been the missile of choice. That said you had the ever present Cretan archers and perhaps the Romans would have used archers from their Illyrian allies?. Like most skirmish troops they would have had a basic tunic, the bow, quiver or arrows stuffed through their belt and a dagger, but again who really knows so keep it simple. And as someone said this could be a ubigious figure that could be used for a huge number of armies. So all is not lost and it is a really good pose.

Back onto the sheild thing :( sorry. The figure you have done for a commander, it has a great looking Hoplon type shield, did you make the figure using the Osprey book? The thing is I can't help but think that he would have had a Scutum so he could join the battle line as the type of fighting that the Romans employed relied on using the shield both in the offensive and defensive protecting yourself and the man next to you.

Got to be honest Techno, you must  :d us non gifted people who just keep banging on. If only I had your skill. Anyway still love the work you have done so far. Oh and some allies with a simle tunic a light spear, perhaps a pectoral plate, helmet with a simple crest with a smaller Scutum, yes I did say smaller would be brilliant Bertie.


11 August 2011, 06:39:29 PM #74 Last Edit: 11 August 2011, 06:41:48 PM by Techno
Hi Bertie...

Leon and I will probably try and have a chat tomorrow....He's already sent a list that includes some of the 'extras'..So we'll go through that and sort out where to go with the figures....I'll probably be picking your brains again very soon !

The shield...I'll discuss that with Leon as well....It could always be cast up 'as is'....and I could VERY quickly convert it to a scutum....so there would be one of each ?
Yep...You're right...Leon lent me that particular Osprey book.  ;)

Good grief....Don't worry about 'banging on' as you put it..It keeps me employed ! ;D ;D....The allies....Up to Leon there...But you never know.
My skill ??....To be honest, i think it's the practice that's at least as important, if not more so...But many thanks for the compliment !  :-[

Cheers - Phil