'First Look' Republican Roman pics!

Started by Leon, 24 March 2011, 04:31:47 AM

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24 March 2011, 04:31:47 AM Last Edit: 24 March 2011, 04:34:40 AM by Leon
We've had a couple of test figures done by a new designer, for a prospective new Republican Roman range, so here's some pics.  Let us know what you think, and then we can look at getting the rest of the range done.

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Excellent sculpts.  They would be ideal for late Republican, Caesar in Gaul etc.
Have you seen the rivets on that?


They are very nicely sculpted - a couple of [probably over-harsh] comments:

The pose on the left: it looks as if he's resting his shield on the ground - not sure why I don't like this, but...
The pose on the right: it's a bit static for me: he looks a bit like he's standing around waiting for something to happen: he's not marching, not advancing & doesn't seem to be particularly ready to receive some barbarian nutter hurtling at him at full pelt...he should be the one with the shield resting on the floor?!

They are lovely sculpts though - faces particularly look good  8)


Comments taken on board Nik...
First 'Ancients' I've tried my hand at at this scale....So I'm 'dancing in the dark'....Just a tiny bit at the mo'.
But I can see exactly what you mean.
Won't take long to give those a tweak and make them a little more 'active'/dynamic.

Very useful feedback though...Just the sort of thing I need to know.

VBWs - Phil.


Cool - thanks Phil; I think you've done a great job with these - even more so if this is your first go in 10mm  :o

I'm looking forward to seeing more in this range..!  8)


No Nik.
Not my the first go at 10mm.
Just the first at 10mm from the Ancient 'era'.

VBWs - Phil.


Ah - yep, my apologies...trying to do more than one thing at a time...

You'd think that us blokes would know we can't multi-task by now, eh?  :-[

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Quote from: nikharwood on 24 March 2011, 11:34:34 AM
You'd think that us blokes would know we can't multi-task by now, eh?  :-[

can you cope with one task Nik ?  :d :'(

Very nice figures.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


not realy my cup of dried leafs in hot water but these look very nice.

the only thing i have is also with the shields on both figures both shields look extremely close to the body (or its just me being picky)
and if you look at the second set the guy on the left the arm holding the shiel is in a very wierd looking angle  :-\

but aside from that excelent stuff :-bd


I painted a large number (well in excess of 2500) figs from the existing range for a bloke once, as well as many for my own collection. Nice poses, advancing sword drawn - very dynamic. The throwning pilum though a little awkward. However when based together and a nice scenic touch added, on mass they were.... Bellissimo!

I cant wait to 'have a go' at some of these. I take the points from my learned and well experienced comrades. But I've had to work with a lot of c**p (NO Pendraken included in that!) in my time. These look positively exquisite. Good facial detail. good proportions (no big feet, small hands - that sort of thing). Acurate depictions. Well done that man. As nik said for a sculptor working on ancients for the first time.

More please.


Anyway the one on the right is making sure that the camera man in the helicopter is getting his best side. To hell with the screamimg, maniacal celt charging at him form the schwubbery!


These look nice too.

Stop It Leon!!!!!!!!  ;)

It may just be the photos but they look a little more slender from other Pendraken figures. Not that this is a bad thing, but not sure how it goes from a compatibility point of view??
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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Quote from: ianrs54 on 24 March 2011, 12:12:39 PM
can you cope with one task Nik ?  :d :'(

Yes Ian - watch me cope with ignoring you  :P


Thanks for all the kind comments guys...
I'll chat with Leon next week about 'tweaks' to these particular wee chaps....and what else is required to build a range up.
Helicopters ?.....You deserve to be "stwuck vewwy woughly....and thwown to the flwoor..." commission.
I thought everybody knew the Romans didn't invent helicopters for AT LEAST 50 years after these chaps fought a battle.
Now....a painter in a balloon to get his best side I could believe.

VBWs - Naughtius Maximus.


Sounds good actually. Bring on Keira.

No really, loving your work Techno. Look forward to more of the same.