'First Look' at the new League of Augsburg range!

Started by clibinarium, 23 March 2011, 01:01:24 AM

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Once the cavalry with are in the queue are released the range will be basically complete, the only significant gap to fill after that will be some mounted dragoons. After that I'll probably add the more niche elements like some elite cavalry types, fusileers, Guards etc, stuff that can be done with existing figures if not fussy, but its nice to have specific figures for.
I think the artillery is done as far as field pieces go (I've not been convinced galloper guns were in widespread use so haven't done any) , though some seige pieces may have to be added.


Hi Clib
It would be great to have some commanders both mounted and on foot.

The range is fantastic thanks for some great work.


agree that commanders are amust
best figures pound for pound i have seen
the variety really makes a regt llook realistic


Senior Generals and their followers would be good


Range coming along nicely, just need some specific un-uniformed musketeers and cavalry now for Monmouth and I'm in.


Ideally I would like to see in 10mm all of what Clib has done for Warfare Miniatures' LoA range, but of course in his more unusual, yet elegant approach in 10mm.  It is interesting mounted dragoons are missing from both ranges, hmmmm?

William :-\



Quote from: clibinarium on 04 February 2014, 09:41:57 PM
Possibly. Do you have a theory?

I assume you are waiting for something.  Possibly to coordinate the same type of pose within each range.  As far as I know, there is only 1 size horse, so maybe a smaller horse for a dragoon is needed, a template you are working on?



Well it's another vote for un-uniformed Monmouth rebels on foot and horse, badly uniformed militia and some commanders. For "chrome" maybe some picket duty posed infantry, casualties and some civilian types to populate the west country with.



Quote from: Leon on 14 November 2013, 04:51:58 PM
All of the new cavalry figures have been master moulded, and are now on the side waiting to go into production moulds.  They are behind the Mongols and the Ancient Spanish in the queue though, so they won't be appearing until 2014 now unfortunately.

Will these be ready for Salute?


Quote from: Sandinista on 05 April 2014, 11:06:58 AM
Will these be ready for Salute?

Probably not unfortunately, the mould press has been commandeered by all the WWI moulds for a while now.  Hopefully I can sneak them in when Dave's not looking, but it won't be until after Salute now.

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Some of us have to learn to live with lonnnggg waits.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Spoke to Dave at Salute,  he said there may be done by end of April... any news?
