Hardest part of the hobby -prioritising!

Started by Squirrel, 11 March 2011, 09:36:10 PM

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Oh dear, here we go again ...... here I am, proud owner of the Dungeon (and expansion) - got it primed, given it a wash colour, and first dry brush done, also finished 40 odd skeletons, and part painted a fair number of assorted goblins, hobgoblins, dungeon furniture etc .......

And what happens, my initial order of VBCW stuff arrives! Ooo ........ shiney new toys :D (Thanks Leon/Dave and crew)

My first venture into more modern era 10mm stuff, and I'm loving it! I want to start painting them now ...... but NO! I must resist, and complete the Dungeon stuff first, I must prioritise! ....... mustn't I?

Of course just to make things worse, I'm already planning more things to get for the dungeon, reinforcements for the VBCW (including the corvette)........ luckily I can't afford another order till payday - but that's only a couple of weeks away!

I'm also starting to plan another 10mm project =) Best save that for another thread though :P




www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


It is tricky...I often keep a to-do list which I update regularly...just to try to keep focused; I even put it online in the hope that it might help!


...and your post has made me go & update it..!


Yes I know currenlty have a whole load of 10mm Russians to paint and a few other bits, also have around 500 lotr figures to sort out and also have a load of bases to make and cast up ready for the lotr stuff oh and work has gone balistic.

Tom h
aka bilbo


Quote from: Eldamarelf on 11 March 2011, 10:21:28 PM
oh and work has gone balistic.

That's always the killer...Work: the curse of the gaming classes.


Surely the great part of having more than one period on the go is that if you get bored slapping Prussian blue on the nineteenth century hordes you can switch to the rainbow colours of the renaissance as a change of pace?  I have to work to reduce the east-Herts figure-mountain.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Quote from: nikharwood on 11 March 2011, 10:13:30 PM
It is tricky...I often keep a to-do list which I update regularly...just to try to keep focused; I even put it online in the hope that it might help!


...and your post has made me go & update it..!

Well seeing your 'to do list' makes me feel better ;D

