AWI Unit Strengths? Many examples please :)

Started by Cornwallis, 13 March 2010, 10:21:21 AM

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Hey! Absolutely lovely to see this forum!  :D
I'm trying to plan my AWI armies, I currently only have four infantry batallions, an artillery battery and some scenery, but I'm planning to start out with skirmishers and cavalry soon. Therefore, to keep good figure proportions between different troop types and basing and such, I need to find more information concerning "usual" troop strengths.

As many examples as possible regarding strenghts specific units of infantry, light infantry and cavalry (of all sides) at as many battles as possible would be most welcome! That way it would be much easier creating fairly accurate generic unit strength proportions between infantry, cavalry and skirmishers.
Many thanks!
/ Cornwallis


You could have a look at the Two for Tea Warmaster variant that Bob Barnetson did - linked from here:

If you d'load the rules & the scenarios they'll give you an idea of how he planned out the forces for some key battles...


13 March 2010, 11:33:29 AM #2 Last Edit: 13 March 2010, 11:38:05 AM by Cornwallis
Ok, so here's the first, I'll share all good mixed AWI unit strenght info here for all of us that is in need of it (and hoping that everybody will do the same  :)).

Thank you Nik Harwood, for the links to this info. I've seen and admired your painting, beautiful!

Excerpts from Hubbarton 1777:

American units:
300 MEN
250 MEN
300 MEN
350 MEN

Troops under the British:
300 MEN
300 MEN
80 MEN
100 MEN
450 MEN
450 MEN


Exerpts from Guilford Courthouse 1781:

Captain McLeod
Royal Artillery Detachment - 3 x 3pdrs
1st Battalion, Foot Guards â€" 300 men
2nd Battalion, Foot Guards â€" 300 men
Foot Guard Grenadier detachment â€" 120 men
23rd Footâ€" 258 men
33rd Foot â€" 322 men
71st Foot (2nd Battalion) â€" 212 men
Von Bose Regiment (Hessians) â€" 313 men
British Legion (Dragoons) â€" 174 men
Jaegers (Hessians) â€" 97 men
Foot Guard detached Light Infantry â€" 120 men
North Carolina Loyalists â€" 130 men

North Carolina Militia Brigade â€" 500 men
Lynch’s Virginia Rifles â€" 200 men
Colonel Washington’s 1st/3rd Continental Dragoons â€" 86 men
1st Continental Artillery Detachment â€" 2 x 3pdrs
North Carolina Militia Brigade â€" 500 men
Campbell’s Virginia Rifles â€" 200 men
Lee’s Legion (Infantry) â€" 82 men
Lee’s Legion (Dragoons) â€" 75 men
Virginia Militia Brigade â€" 600 men
Virginia Militia Brigade â€" 600 men
4th Virginia Regiment â€" 400 men
5th Virginia Regiment â€" 400 men
1st Continental Artillery Detachment â€" 2 x 3pdrs
1st Maryland Regiment â€" 360 men
2nd Maryland Regiment â€" 360 men


Excerpts from the Cowpens 1781:

The British Force
The British Legion: 250 cavalry and 200 infantry
A troop of the 17th Light Dragoons (50)
A battery of the Royal Artillery (24) with two 3-pounder cannons
The 7th (Royal Fusiliers) Regiment (177)
The light infantry company of the 16th Regiment (42)
The 71st (Fraser's Highlanders) Regiment under Major Arthur MacArthur (334)
The light company of the Loyalist Prince of Wales' American Regiment (31)
A company of Loyalist guides (50)
A total of over 1,150 officers and men.
Broken down by troop classification, there were 300 cavalry, 553 regulars, 24 artillerymen and 281 militia.

The Continental Force
A battalion of Continental infantry under Lt-Col John Eager Howard, with one company from Delaware, one from Virginia and three from Maryland; each with a strength of sixty men (300)
A company of Virginia State troops under Captain John Lawson[24] (75)
A company of South Carolina State troops under Captain Joseph Pickens (60)
A Virginia Militia battalion under Frank Triplett[27] (160)
Two companies of Virginia Militia under Major David Campbell (50)
A battalion of North Carolina Militia under Colonel Joseph McDowell (260â€"285)
A brigade of four battalions of South Carolina Militia under Colonel Andrew Pickens, comprising a three-company battalion of the Spartanburg Regiment under Lt-Col Benjamin Roebuck; a four-company battalion of the Spartanburg Regiment under Col John Thomas; five companies of the Little River Regiment under Lt-Col Joseph Hayes and seven companies of the Fair Forest Regiment under Col Thomas Brandon. Babits states[31] that this battalion “ranged in size from 120 to more than 250 men”. If Roebuck’s three companies numbered 120 and Brandon’s seven companies numbered 250, then Thomas’s four companies probably numbered about 160 and Hayes’s five companies about 200, for a total of (730)
Three small companies of Georgia Militia commanded by Major Cunningham[32] who numbered (55)
A detachment of the 1st and 3rd Continental Light Dragoons under Lt-Col William Washington(82). Washington was second cousin to Gen. George Washington.
Detachments of state dragoons from North Carolina and Virginia (30)
A detachment of South Carolina State Dragoons, with a few mounted Georgians, commanded by Major James McCall (25)
A company of newly-raised volunteers from the local South Carolina Militia commanded by Major Benjamin Jolly (45)


Looks like you have a good start on organizing your AWI armies.  In general, Brit battalions were around 300 men without lights and grenadiers.  Light and grenadiers were typically detached and formed very large battalions in the north-often 500 or 600 men.  I assume they operated as wings due to their size but not sure.  Same with the Highlanders.  Often they were very large regiments.  Many of the Hessian regiments were also large and in the 500 man range.  The American regiments were all over the place but generally from 100 man regiments to 350 man regiments.   Often American regiments were merged due to their small sizes.

The british army was organized into brigades with some variation in assigned regiments.  The northern army often had 2 "divisons or wings".  The Americans were also organized into brigades and then divisions.  It seems brigades could be switched around between divisions.  The Americans often would form a division of militia which might or might not have line brigades attached.   Sometimes militia "regiments" would be directly attached to line brigades.

I have built my American and British armies by brigades.  I used strengths from actual OOBS from the northern/mid Atlantic theaters.  I ended up using 15-1 ratio.  My minimum unit size was 12 miniatures in a regiment.  So I had to merge some American regiments to achieve the minimum regiment size.

I found three very detailed OOBs on the internet from a man with the University of Arizona.  I will try to find them again and the links.  Those detailed OOBs really helped me in understanding the American and Brit organization in the Northern and Atlantic theaters.



Here is a detailed OOB for Germantown with strengths:

goat major

The best wargamers source for OOB for the AWI has got to be the two books by Greg Novak - between them they cover just about every engagement in the war from skirmish upwards in quite a lot of detail and seemingly well researched. I think Caliver Books stock it in the UK.

Also a good guide are the 2 scenario books for British Grenadier (a third coming too at some point apparently). BG has a flexible scale allowing the ration to vary from 1:5 to 1:20 depending on the scenario. I thin this works really well and is quite important in the AWI where some of the battles become uncomfortably tiny if you stick to a 1:20 scale for everything. Theres lots of good info and a few real experts too who post in the BG forum on the GdB website - its worth checking out
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Found an OOB of Monmouth 1778:

Monmouth, New Jersey
June 28, 1778

July 7, 2004
British & American returns are: estimated fit for duty/total present including sick; American total include only fit present and sick present, but not sick absent, on command & extra service or on furlough.

The British Main Army: LTG Sir Henry Clinton
      Royal Artillery: BG James Pattison
1st Division: LTG Lord Charles Cornwallis
Royal Artillery (2 x 12-pdr)
Royal Artillery (2 x 5.5” how)
Royal Artillery (6 x 6-pdr)
            16th Light Dragoons (313 with 200 horses/454) [LTC William Harcourt]
            1st Light Infantry Battalion (698/761) [LTC Robert Abercromby]
                  + Royal Artillery (2 x 3-pdr)
            Queen’s Rangers (405/454) [LTC John Graves Simcoe]
1st Battalion British Grenadiers (687/730) [LTC William Meadows]
            2nd Battalion British Grenadiers (678/737) [LTC Henry Monckton]
+Royal Artillery with the Grenadiers (4 x 6-pdr â€" 2 per battalion)
Hessian Grenadier Brigade: Col. Henrich Julius von Kospoth
      Linsing Grenadier Battalion (353/411) [LTC Otto Christian von Linsing]
      Minnigerode Grenadier Battalion (358/427) [LTC Friedrich L. von Minnigerode]
      Lengerke Grenadier Battalion (405/453) [LTC Georg Emanuel Lengerke]
Brigade of Foot Guards (@907): BG Edward Mathew 
      1st Battalion Guards (?/502) [Col. Henry Trelawney]
      2nd Battalion Guards (?/480) [LTC James Ogilvie?]
3rd British Brigade: MG Charles Grey
15th Regiment of Foot (322/352) [LTC Joseph Shopford?]
17th Regiment of Foot (298/330) [LTC Charles Mawhood]
42nd Highland Regiment (624/639) [LTC Thomas Sterling]
44th Regiment of Foot (316/334) [LTC Henry Hope]
4th British Brigade: MG James Agnew
33rd Regiment of Foot (358/365) [LTC James Webster]
37th Regiment of Foot (362/386) [?]
46th Regiment of Foot (294/319) [LTC Enoch Markham]
64th Regiment of Foot (389/426) [MAJ Robert McLeroth]
5th British Brigade: BG Alexander Leslie
7th Regiment of Foot (321/333) [LTC Alured Clarke]
26th Regiment of Foot (297/314) [LTC Charles Stuart]
63rd Regiment of Foot (300/305) [LTC James Paterson]

2nd Divison: LTG Wilhem von Knyphausen
Royal Artillery
            Hessian Artillery
Pontoon Train                           
Wagon Train
Black Pioneers (49)
            17th Light Dragoons (306 with 200 horses/333) [LTC Samuel Birch]
            2nd Light Infantry Battalion (756/799) [MAJ John Maitland]
Hessian Jaegers (619/793): LTC Ludwig Johann Adolph von Wurmb
[Victualling returns are 664 HC foot jaegers, 37 HC mounted jaegers, & 92 A-B jagers]
      1st Company/Hesse-Cassel Jaegers (@100/?)
      2nd Company/Hesse-Cassel Jaegers (@100/?)
      3rd Company/Hesse-Cassel Jaegers (@100/?)
      4th Company/Hesse-Cassel Jaegers (@100/?)
Anspach-Beyreuth Jaeger Co (@100/92)
Mounted Jaegers (92/37?)
Hesse-Cassel Artillery (2 x 3-pdr)
1st British Brigade: MG John Vaughan
4th Regiment of Foot (310/321) [MAJ Sir James Murray?]
23rd Regiment of Foot (416/432) [LTC Nesbitt Balfour]
28th Regiment of Foot (302/313) [LTC Robert Prescott]
49th Regiment of Foot (360/372) [LTC Sir Henry Calder]
2nd British Brigade: MG James Grant
5th Regiment of Foot (328/367) [MAJ George Harris?]
10th Regiment of Foot (280/135) [LTC Francis Smith] (128 absent on command)
27th Regiment of Foot (304/340) [LTC Edward Mitchell]
40th Regiment of Foot (305/322) [LTC Thomas Musgrave]
55th Regiment of Foot (266/268) [LTC Cornelius Cuyler]
Hessian Brigade: MG Johann Daniel von Stirn
Du Corps [aka Leib] Regiment (519/573) [COL Friedrich W. von Wurmb]
Donop Regiment (527/580) [COL David von Gosen]
      Each battalion had 2 x 3-pdr battalion guns
            Hessian Brigade (677/786): COL August von Loos
                  Alt Lossberg Regiment (?/276) [COL Johann August von Loos]
                  Knyphausen Regiment (?/253) [MAJ Johann Friedrich von Stein]
                  Grenadier Regiment von Woellwarth (aka Rall) (?/257)
                        *The men from Woellwarth Regiment  were divided between the two other units.
Corps of Guides and Pioneers (183/206) [CPT Simon Fraser]
Roman Catholic Volunteers (193/207) [LTC Alfred Clifton]
1st Bn/Maryland Loyalists (322/370) [LTC James Chambers]
1st Bn/Pennsylvania Loyalists (148/168) [LTC William Allen]
2nd Bn/New Jersey Volunteers (196/211) [LTC John Van Dike]
Bucks County Volunteers (?/76) [CPT William Thomas]
Provincial Dragoons (175/176)
      Philadephia Light Dragoons (?/116) [CPT Richard Hovenden]
      Bucks County Light Dragoons (?/60) [LT Walter Willet]
Provincial Recruits:
      New Jersey Volunteers (?/17)
      Caledonian Volunteer (45/9) [CPT William Sutherland]
            *Probably includes Buck County Volunteers from above
      Volunteers of Ireland (34/16)
      Emmericks Chasseurs (?/11)

American Main Army: General George Washington
Heavy Artillery: BG Henry Knox
du Plessis’s Battery/Continental Artillery (4 x 6-pdr)
Another 13 guns (3-6-pdr)
Light Brigade: BG Daniel Morgan [not present in battle]
Morgan’s Corps (250/?)
Picked Marksmen Battalion (450/?)
New Jersey Militia (@200)
      1st Monmouth (COL Ahser Holmes)
      2nd Monmouth (COL Samuel Forman)
      2nd Burlington (COL Joseph Haight)
Advance Corps: MG Charles Lee
      Advance Detachments:
            Jackson’s Detachment (@250):
Jackson's Regiment (250/250) [COL Henry Jackson]
      (Composed of men from Jackson’s Henley’s and Lee’s Regiments)
Butler’s Battalion: [Included in Scott’s Detachment]
            [COL Richard Butler â€" 9th PA]
            [MAJ Benjamin Ledyard â€" 1st NY]
Scott’s Brigade (@600): COL William Grayson
4th-8th-12th Virginia Regiment (400/425) [COL James Wood]
      Grayson’s Regiment (114/144) [COL William Grayson]
      Patton’s Regiment (113/123) [LTC John Parke]
      CPT Thomas Wells’ Battery/3rd Continental Arillery (2 guns)     
Varnum’s Brigade (@600): COL John Durkee
4th Connecticut Regiment (234/254) [COL John Durkee/LTC Giles Russell]
8th Connecticut Regiment (233/265) [COL John Chandler]
1st & 2nd Rhode Island Regiment (329/350) [LTC Jeremiah Olney] (-)
Continental Artillery Battery (LTC Eleazer Oswald)
Cook’s & Compston’s Battery/3rd Continental Artillery (2 guns)
            Lafayette’s Command: MG Marquis de Lafayette
                  Wayne’s Detachment (@1000): (BG Anthony Wayne absent)
            Livingston’s Battalion (@380):
[COL Henry Beekman Livingston â€" 4th NY]
                  [LTC Ezra Badlam- 2nd Mass]
                  [MAJ Edmund Dickinson 1st-5th-9th VA]
            Stewart’s Battalion:
[COL Walter Stewart â€" 2nd PA]
                        Wesson’s Battalion:
[COL James Wesson â€" 9th Mass]
[LTC Nathaniel Ramsay â€" 3rd MD]
                        CPT Thomas Seward/s Battery/3rd Continental Artillery (2 guns)
                  Scott’s Detachment (@1440 â€" Butler’s Battalion): BG Charles Scott
                        Cilley’s Battalion:
                  [COL Joseph Cilley â€" 1st NH] 
            [LTC Henry Dearborne â€" 3rd NH]
            [MAJ Simeon Thayer â€" 2nd RI]
Parker’s Battalion:
            [COL Richard Parker â€" 1st-5th-9th VA]
            [LTC Samuel Smith â€" 4th MD]
            [CPT Alexander Trueman â€" 6th MD]
                        Gist’s Battalion:
[COL Mordecai Gist â€" 3rd MD]
                              [LTC William Butler â€" 4th PA]
Wells’ Battery/3rd Continental Artillery (4 guns)
New Jersey Division: BG William Maxwell
New Jersey Brigade (@1000): Colonel Matthias Ogden
1st New Jersey Regiment (396/444) [COL Matthias Ogden/LTC Wiliam De Hart]
2nd New Jersey Regiment (373/385) [COL Israel Shreve]
3rd New Jersey Regiment (294/312) [COL Elias Dayton]
4th New Jersey Regiment (234/257) [COL Ephraim Martin]
CPT Thomas Randall’s Company/Continental Artillery (2 guns)
New Jersey Militia Horse (@50) (LTC Anthony White of 4th Dragoons)
New Jersey Militia Bde (@1000): BG Philemon Dickinson
1st Hunterdown, New Jersey Militia (COL Philips)
2nd Hunterdown, New Jersey Militia (COL Beavers)
3rd Hunterdown, New Jersey Militia (COL Chambers)
4th Hunterdown, New Jersey Militia (COL J. Taylor)
1st Middlesex, New Jersey Militia (COL H. Van Dyke)
2nd Middlesex, New Jersey Militia (COL Neilson)
3rd Middlesex, New Jersey Militia (COL J. Hyer)
3rd Monmouth, New Jersey Militia (COL D. Hendrickson)
1st Burlington, New Jersey Militia (COL W. Shreve)
1st Somerset, New Jersey Militia (COL F. Frelinghuysen)
2nd Somerset, New Jersey Militia (COL Van Dyke)
Left Wing: MG William Alexander (Lord Stirling)
1st Pennsylvania Brigade (429): Colonel William Irvine
1st Pennsylvania Regiment (221/232) [COL James Chambers]
2nd Pennsylvania Regiment (118/126) [COL Henry Bicker]
7th Pennsylvania Regiment (175/183) [COL William Irvine]
10th Pennsylvania Regiment (168/181) [COL George Nagel]
2nd Pennsylvania Brigade (487): Colonel Francis Johnston
4th Pennsylvania Regiment (157/163) [LTC William Butler] 
5th Pennsylvania Regiment (194/215) [COL Francis Johnston]
11th Pennsylvania Regiment (90/95) [COL Richard Humpton]
1st New York Regiment (387/392) [COL Goose Van Schaick]
3rd Pennsylvania Brigade (438): Colonel Robert Magaw
      3rd Pennsylvania Regiment (107/119) [COL Thomas Craig]
      6th Pennsylvania Regiment (146/146) [LTC Josiah Harmar]
      9th Pennsylvania Regiment (117/124) [COL Richard Butler]
      12th Pennsylvania Regiment (108/120) [???]
      Malcolm’s Regiment (72/91) [COL William Malcolm]
      Spencer’s Regiment (69/72) [COL Oliver Spencer]
Glover's 2nd Mass.Brigade (636): BG John Glover
1st Mass. Regiment (232/249) [COL Joseph Vose]
4th Mass. Regiment (249/259) [COL William Shepard]
13th Mass. Regiment (250/256) [COL Edward Wigglesworth]
15th Mass. Regiment (197/208) [COL Timothy Bigelow]
Patterson's 3rd Mass. Brigade (485): BG John Patterson
10th Mass. Regiment (184/201) [COL Thomas Marshall]
11th Mass. Regiment (211/226) [COL Benjamin Tupper]
12th Mass. Regiment (183/193) [COL Samuel Brewer]
14th Mass. Regiment (185/191) [COL Gamaliel Bradford]
Learned's 4th Mass. Brigade (373): Colonel John Bailey (Learned sick absent)
2nd Mass. Regiment (226/248) [COL John Bailey]
8th Mass. Regiment (183/187) [COL Michael Jackson]
9th Mass. Regiment (236/247) [COL James Wesson]
Right Wing: MG Nathaniel Greene
New Hampshire Brigade (754): BG Enoch Poor                 
1st New Hampshire Regiment (242/249) [COL Joseph Cilley]     
2nd New Hampshire Regiment (195/205) [COL Nathan Hale]
3rd New Hampshire Regiment (109/118) [Col Alexander Scammell]
2nd New York Regiment (251/262) [COL Philip Van Cortlandt]
4th New York Regiment (182/193) [COL Henry Beekman Livingston]
North Carolina Brigade (425): BG Laclan McIntosh
1st North Carolina Regiment (310/312) [COL Thomas Clark]
2nd North Carolina Regiment (309/332) [COL John Patten]
1st Maryland Brigade (790): BG William Smallwood
1st Maryland Regiment (203/208) [COL John Hawkins Stone]
3rd Maryland Regiment (282/292) [COL Mordecai Gist]
5th Maryland Regiment (183/197) [COL William Richardson]
7th Maryland Regiment (278/282) [COL John Gunby]
Delaware Regiment (211/219) [COL David Hall]
2nd Maryland Brigade (602): Colonel Otho Williams
2nd Maryland Regiment (345/347) [LTC Thomas Woolford]
4th Maryland Regiment (269/276) [COL Josias Carvil Hall]
6th Maryland Regiment (306/314) [COL Otho Holland Williams]
Huntington's Connecticut Brigade (632): BG Jedediah Huntington
1st & 7th Connecticut Regiments (551/612) [LTC Prentiss]
2nd & 5th Connecticut Regiments (485/520) [COL P.B. Bradley]
1st Virginia Brigade (711): BG Peter Muhlenberg
1st-5th-9th Virginia Regiment (221/281) [COL Richard Parker]
1st Virginia State Regiment (203/231) [COL George Gibson]
2nd Virginia State Regiment (229/256) [COL Gregory Smith]
The German Battalion (313/317) [LTC Ludowick Weltner]
2nd Virginia Brigade (587): BG George Weedon
      2nd Virginia Regiment (154/165) [COL Christian Febiger]
      6th Virginia Regiment (47/53) [COL John Gibson]
10th Virginia Regiment (218/238) [COL John Green]
14th Virginia Regiment (225/250) [COL William Davies]
3rd Virginia Brigade (475): BG William Woodford
      3rd Virginia Regiment (121/126) [COL William Heth]
7th Virginia Regiment (226/233) [LTC Holt Richardson]
11th Virginia Regiment (152/155) [LTC Daniel Morgan â€" detached]
15th Virginia Regment (146/149) [COL David Mason]

1. British OB: Drawn from CO 5/96: British Forces under Clinton, May 23, 1778, British Casualties at Monmouth June 28, 1778, With Clinton, Neversunk, New Jersey, July 3, 1778; and Return of the Number of Men, Wagoners, Women, & Children victualled at Monmouth the 27th & 28th June 1778 found in Sir Henry Clinton Papers, vol. 36, No 5., William Clements Library, the University of Michigan, edited by Todd W. Braisted, James Kochan, Donald M. Londahl-Smidt, and Garry Wheeler Stone (found online at http://uweb.superlink/net/monmouth/crownorder.html). I have taken the July 3 return of men fit and present and added back in the casualties from June 28. The victualling report contains more men, but all of them were not necessarily fit for duy. The guns with Knyphausen’s division are unknown in number. Clinton had with him 634 RA men, 261 RA drivers, 188 Hessian gunners, and 4 companies of the 2nd Bn/New Jersey Volunteers (129 men) as matrosses. In 1777, the British Main Army had 62 artillery pieces: 12 x 12-pdr, 30 x 6-pdr, 14 x 3-pdr (excluding Hessian guns, probably 10 3-pdrs â€" 2 per battalion excluding the battalions that had been at Trenton in 1776 and 2 guns for the jaegers â€" either 2 or 3-pdrs), and 6 x 5.5” howitzers; , plus 11 more captured at Brandywine (3 x 6-pdr, 4 x 4-pdr, 2 x 3-pdr, 1 x 5.5” how, and 1 iron 4-pdr). Given that only 2 x 12-pdr, 2 x 5.5” how, 10 x 6-pdr, and 2 x 3-pdrs were engaged in the battle, more than 46 guns (plus another 11 captured guns and 12 Hessian guns) were with Knyphausen’s Division. There was also a field train that in 1777 included: 10 x 24-pdr heavies, 8 x 12-pdr heavies, 4 x 8” howitzers, 4 x 13” mortars, 2 x 10” mortars, 2 x 8” mortars, and 6 x 5.5” mortars.
2. American OB: This is drawn from Lesser, Novak, Rees, and Lee’s Court Martial. Artillery returns are estimates based on which limited information exists about American guns. The individual returns were taken after the battle and total higher than what the regiments probably had that day. I’ve listed the brigade strength that was available on the day of the battle in the brigade title. Some returns sadly just don’t add up! Also each brigade had detached 25 men to the Picked Marksmen battalion with Morgan. Overall, the American Army had 13,504 men and officers present fit for duty on June 22, 1778, of which about about 600-800 were artillery, the rest infantry. I have excluded the “On Command & Extra Service” from the regimental totals as these men could have been in the area (such as in the Picked Marksmen Battalion), but many were probably detached far away from the battlefield. Additionally, the size of the detachments to the advance guard are often best estimates on my part. The American Artillery that left Valley Forge numbered 29 guns. In the battle, 12 guns were with Lee, 4 with Greene on Cobb’s Hill, and the rest (13) with Knox.
3. Wagon Trains & Pontoon Train: The baggage train was historically 12 miles.


Cornwallis, where did you find that OOB?  I have three good OObs including that one.  But I can't find the websource for that one and one other.  Do you have a link?



Quote from: Jagger on 21 March 2010, 01:59:23 AM
Cornwallis, where did you find that OOB?  I have three good OObs including that one.  But I can't find the websource for that one and one other.  Do you have a link?

Can't recall where I found it :( try googling some sentences with quoutation marks, just might work :)


Quote from: Nicofig on 22 March 2010, 04:43:12 AM
Thank you very much.

I think you can find some OOB here :

or more easy to use  : here


If that is what it looks like, you Sir... are a hero. Amazing.