More Mobility - Q about rules Mod

Started by crancko, 28 February 2011, 11:11:46 AM

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Yesterday  I had a good time with my kids playing DW but the problem I found it was that the game progress was too slow. We could only finished around 3 out of 5 room dungeon in 2 hours. The rules are easy to catch and follow but the problem I found and they argue a lot is the mechanism of Iniatiative.

When the heroes does not win the Iniative they only can Fire in the Non-mover phase action but cannot move at all. If that is combined with a reiterative rolls losing iniatiive the heroes moved very slowly through the dungeon.

I was thinking in to change a bit the rules to make the game more dinamic but keeping the essence. My variation proposal I would like you to review and opine is:

1- Initiative + Wandering Monsters Roll

Roll 1d6 red (DM iniative) + 1d6 white (Heroes Iniative) + 3d6 blue dice (Wandering Monster roll, for each 6 roll on WM table). All at the same time. This prevents to forget about rolling for WM and also gives you a view of what new mosnters will arrive in this turn.

When ties , the initiative goes to the side who was the LOSER in the last turn.


Same as now. Only 1 action (move or fire) plus Abilities for each fig of the winning side for this initiative.


This is where it changes.
If MONSTER/DM: Fire. No change.
If HEREOES : Move or Fire. CHANGE. The heroes can move or fire so this will enable them to be more mobile and explore the dnugeon quicker.

Winner selects the combat. After all winner combats have been resolver then LOSER will attack with his remaining figures.

What do you think? Have you had the same problem about mobility when playing these rules and losing many times initiative?


28 February 2011, 11:46:02 AM #1 Last Edit: 28 February 2011, 11:47:37 AM by sixsideddice
Hi crnacko, and interesting observations... thank you, I`m always interested to hear other gamers ideas on DW.

DW is, of course, totally customisable and I`d be the first to encourage people to DO IT YOUR OWN WAY at all times....  the game is deliberately flexible to allow for hybridization of ideas and personal input.

I would, however suggest you play a few games through first as the rules stand. The concepts contained within the manual are sometimes subtle and need a few test runs through before they start to become clear and the inbuilt balance begins to make full sense. I hear the things you mention from quite a number of players new to DW, and I reiterate the same thing every time....  get to know the game first, because it only comes alive once you understand not only the simplicity behind them, but WHY the rules work the way they do. Once this becomes second nature, tweaking the game mechanics becomes easy - otherwise you may be in danger of unbalancing things considerably. Change one rule and you often have to change a few more to make it all fit together properly... like dominos  the thing can quickly crumble if not handled smoothly. A game move for a full on dungeon game should take between 1  to 10 minutes average; playing solo is usually a bit slower as you can take time to examine each move and enjoy the aesthetics a bit more :-). However the moves will seem to take a long time for your first few games - just be thankful you`re not playing dungeons and dragons *wink*

Best of luck and happy gaming.



Thanks for your answer.

First I want to clarify that I like a lot the rules. Indeed I was thinking of this mod due my kids arguing about the heroes could not move at all due to the continuous loose of the initiative. Is there any rule that say that the initiative has to change at any time despite the roll of the dice by any reason?

I also create some custom counters to use with DW you can check in BGG.

I'd like  to know how others manage when your heroes loose 5 out of 6 turns the initiative every time? AFAIK no movement at all for them except firing. Or do I miss something from the rules?

How long it takes an average game of DW with the starter?


28 February 2011, 06:19:17 PM #3 Last Edit: 28 February 2011, 06:23:28 PM by sixsideddice
Hi again crnacko  :)

{{First I want to clarify that I like a lot the rules. Indeed I was thinking of this mod due my kids arguing about the heroes could not move at all due to the continuous loose of the initiative. Is there any rule that say that the initiative has to change at any time despite the roll of the dice by any reason?}}

No there is no current rule in place that says the initiative has to change at any time despite the roll of the dice... unless you add one yourself of course at some stage.

The non mover thing really shouldn`t often see to the Draken Master take/win initiative five or six moves in a row (although I have seen this happen on the very odd occasion).

The special ability "Initiative" of even one Hero with a +1 bonus each move is usually enough to tip the balance in the heroes favour enough to ensure (usually) no more than one or two moves running against you. When losing initiative, the Heroes should ideally have placed the ranged attackers with a good clear line of sight to the monsters... and block wide open areas as best they can to stop sudden flanking attacks from the Drake Master. Thwart the DM whenever possible and don`t let him get the upper hand over you as you steadfastly push forward... covering your rear and flanks as best you can of course.

Imagine Space Hulk and the Overwatch rule.... this gives you a better idea of what the Non Mover shooting phase is all about.

Random counters are always good... will look forward to seeing these.

An average game can take anything from maybe an hour (for a small game) and upwards, for as long and elaborate a complex as you can devise; or as much time as you have spare before carefully putting the game to one side to resume again  another day. Like its noble cousin Dungeons and Dragons, a game can pretty much last as long or as short a time as you like. An average sized scenario (using just the starter set) might easily take a whole evening to play. I really MUST write a few more DW bat-reps and include the time taken to play each one through.

The one already written and posted here on the site took us an evening to play â€" about 2 and a half to 3 hours.

Happy gaming

Six  :)


Well that0s a solution to have an initiative ability in the heroes. I will have to check If my heroes can have that ability. ;)

OOohhh more inspiring BATREPS... PLEASE YESSSSS! I really like them and also let you understand the rules and mechanics. I love this idea.
