Tale of X gamers

Started by Sean Clark, 13 August 2010, 05:39:02 PM

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Nik, wish i had known you were doing LoTR. I have/had 13 moira goblins and an Arewn on Ebay that I'd have sent you.

I must post pics of the 28mm FJ I got off you - they painted up lovely ;)
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Where does the time go, eh??!

Anyway - thought it was about time to resurrect this one & see what we've all been distracted by  :d

Further update - with new in bold:

- WW2 Italian battlegroup ['43 mainland]: done: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1277.0
- Dungeon Set: dungeon done; figures & accessories done: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1377.0
- Indo-China: French Paras: all assembled & undercoated
- Indo-China: Viet Minh:  all assembled & undercoated
- SYW Prussians: finished: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1489.0
- Jacobite: British: all assembled & undercoated
- Jacobite: umm, Jacobites: all assembled & undercoated
- Sudan: British
- Sudan: umm, Sudanese
- SCW Legion: 9 x infantry units +  HMGs painted for use at Colours
- 10mm terrain: lots & lots prepped & undercoated ready for painting for a well-known 10mm manufacturer: all painted
- 25mm GW LotR: Hobbits / Uruk Hai painted - whole collection rebased 
- 28mm Napoleonic Peninsular [for skirmishing]: Spanish Clergy, Spanish horse & cart, Spanish Guerillas - painted
- 28mm Napoleonic Peninsular [for skirmishing]: British Rifles - painted
- 3mm Georgian Army - painted
- 3mm Soviet Army - painted
- 3mm Swedish Army - painted
- 3mm Soviet Army - undercoated
- 3mm USA Gulf War Army - undercoated
- 3mm Iraqi Gulf War Army - undercoated
- 10mm Cthulhu / Fantasy gribblies - painted
- 10mm Cthulhu Cultists - converted & painted
- 10mm USMC - painted
- 10mm Japanese - undercoated
- 10mm Arabs - undercoated
- 10mm Crusaders - undercoated
- 10mm Germans (Stalingrad)
- 10mm Russians (Stalingrad)