Tom's 28mm Napoleonics repurposed.

Started by Duke Speedy of Leighton, 15 June 2024, 12:09:12 AM

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Duke Speedy of Leighton

You no doubt remember I was painting Napoleonic and SYW figures for Tom, the great chap who could not paint any more.,20614.0.html

Well, Tom a while back gifted me several boxes full of his 28mm Napoleonic figures from various sources (as well as an extrodinary amount of research notes in several folders), just incredible. I went through the boxes, and had a look at what I could use them for in a wargaming manner. The obvious choice was Sharpe Practice II as several of the Leighton Buzzard club play it in Napoleonic times and it's a fun set to play in an evvening.
So, what did I find?
Many guns, good, and a pack of Polish Legion artillery crew. That one I had to dig deep into Tom's information to find their uniforms.
Many pioneers, as Tom himself was in bomb disposal, this was a unit I had to do in his honour. Tom suggested the Neapolitain 3rd Regiment, who was I to disagree.
A lot of interesting command figures, including two mounted ADCs. Several musicians and many standard bearers. That's a decent nascient force.
I also had a couple of Foundry French from previous paint orders, so they got added in  to the calculations as I bulked these up to a full unit.

The pioneers, lead by the dashing M. T. La Panthère, Legion D'Honneur.  The pioneers are made up of a mixed bag, 'volunteers' dragged out the ranks. three Neapolitans, a Pole, some French including a pontonneur that Tom had started. Communication within the unit is sometimes difficult, (Latin covers a lot of ideas initially) but they always get the job done.

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Ready for action

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The Polish legion gun and crew. Most people don't use artillery as far as I can see, so this should be a giggle.

I also painted up some gabions and a bag to add interest

"I really would not stand there!"

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Mounted ADCs

Nice animation on these

In a hurry lads?

Off they go!

Line fusiliers plus additional freebie. So, I set about unit building. A unit of infantry, an easy order.

With drummer and officer

Marching marching

Away they go


Officer, trumpeteer for the upcoming voltigeurs, a drummer and standard bearer that needs me to make a decsission which type to give him.

Tom had already started the officer, I just finished it off

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The batch, a nice Amuse-bouche before my next commission.

There is also a unit of voltigeurs that will also be on the painting table soon. Need to decide which unit to go with next, thinking dragoons or hussars!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

pierre the shy

Very nicely done as always  :-bd

Interesting to see a pioneer unit in the mix of units at skirmish scale level games. Would be great for the basis of a narrative campaign. M. T. La Panthère, Legion D'Honneur goes to.....Moscow/Vienna/Berlin.

Purhaps you should cover both expansion routes and paint up dragoons and hussars!  ;D  ;)   
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
we are not now that strength which in old days
moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Bought some Voltigeurs, plus a free figure, from Foundry, needed an officer. Thirty seconds later, I had found a beauty and as I was already paintin g 10mm French, it made sense.

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They do look good.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner