Raw & Veteran Tank Crews

Started by Steve J, 12 June 2024, 06:25:39 PM

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Steve J

I think this was brought up before on the old Commanders forum, but recently whilst reading about Operation Barbarossa, I've been pondering how best to reflect Raw & Veteran tank crews in the game. We have these for the Infantry, but not for armour, nor for ATG's etc.

My initial thought is to follow the Infantry idea and simply give -1 to the shooting values for Raw crews and +1 for Veterans. To my mind this would reflect the differences in training and their abilities or not in temrs of being able to get more shots off, shoot more accurately etc.

As always thoughts appreciated!

Big Insect

You can use Raw or Veteran designations with any unit types (as you can with other Special Characteristics) for an appropriate change in points value.
However, these changes don't effect their shooting or assault values, but what you propose would make sense and I can see that working ok.

Another option - slightly more time consuming - is to make Raw/Green units re-roll all hits and Veterans to re-roll all misses. They only do this once keeping the new die roll scores as their final scores. You can apply this to both shooting and combat.

I'd be interested to hear how you get on.
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.

Steve J

Thanks for your prompt feedback Mark :) ! I'll let you know how I get on once I've given these a trial run or two.